For the month of January I ran 159 miles. Things are going pretty well. I only missed one day ( which was today). I feel prety bad about it.
I don't normally miss long runs! Oh well. I am sure I will get back on track on Monday.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I guess you can say our family is little behind the times on technology. We don't really watch TV. In fact we don't even have a TV in the living room ( Mom wants one), Mom still is trying to master the DVD player the forward and reverse is so different then her VCR. Yep we don't even have anything to record TV shows! Life is nice and simple and we do lots of outings and outside stuff. Mom does have an IPOD which she listens to in the kitchen and while working out. And recently she got the IPOD Touch ( thanks Oma and Opa). And I guess it is safe to say she is hooked! She loves it. But, I have now mastered 2 games on it ( Mom never thought she would see the day where I would sit still and do that), and I like to listen to the IPOD. here is a picture of us enjoying some music. I am hoping for my own IPHONE in a few years! ( excuse how messy we look- we have been sick and we just ate dinner)
The shot of the Century
As many of you know Baron is into sports. He has this shot down pat. He makes it on a regular basis. I am not sure the video does it justice. But it is really far away.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Transportation Museum
Today we went to the transportation museum. We have been there once for a birthday party. but, never just on a normal day. Our friends Becky and Andy got our family a membership there for Christmas. Thanks guys. Well it was better then I ever expected. As part of the museum they have a kids part called Creation Station. Which has "boarding times for an hour". So we did that. There is 2 workers in there to facilitate the kids. Or they can do there own things. Well it was so nice. The workers loved the kids. Almost to the point of being weird. The one lady commented on Amelia no less then 20 times. They even set down and helped the kids make there own crafts. Then afterwards we walked over and looked at the old cars. We did not do the trains since Baron said he was cold.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Magic House
Today we went to the Magic House. Last year we went a lot. so I did not take pictures all the time. We were going at 10am when they open. But, it has been too busy. One of my friends told me to try the afternoons. So today we went after naps and stayed till 5:15. And we had the place to ourselves. We had fun day and both kids were so good. Little did I know that Amelia has a future in the construction industry. someone should tell her that consruction workers don't usully wear hot pink fur vests!
Monday, January 18, 2010
3rd Skating Lesson
RV Show
On Sunday kind of spur of the moment Dad took me to the RV show in downtown. he would of taken Amelia too. But, she can not miss a nap. I am now able to make it with just a cat nap which I was able to get in the car. We looked at all different kinds of RVs, rode the metrolink, and Dad took me out to eat at Houlihans ( what a weird place to take a kid. But, heck there is not many places in Union Station anymore.
It's just been the best weekend. Dad was off for MLK day . We were able to spend lots of time together. Wish Dad got 3 day weekends all the time.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Baron's 2nd skate lesson
Oh my gosh we could not even believe it. It was a huge improvement over last week. Even though he is no Wayne Gretzey. He is really enjoying it and it is giving him something to do in the bad weather. When we left he did not want to take off his skates. He said he wanted me to buy him his own hockey skates. After I told him not now maybe later he was still taking about wanting his own skates and hockey helmet. If he wants I might put him in hockey when he turns 4. But, it is real serious around here. And I think that might be a bit much for a little guy.
Out of town basketball game
On Saturday Daddy took me to an out fo town basketball game. Semo was playing Eastern Illinois which is the the middle of nowhere. We had such a great day. Even though they lost. We got to be invited guests of the coach and set right behind the bench. Tony Romo went to Eastern Illinois so I got my picture taken with his jersey. We had a great guys day out.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow Day
Today it snowed about 3 inches in our neck of the woods. And of course everything is shut down. Even Baron's school . Don't get me started. It's a private school and they don't have to worry about buses. Anyways I took the kids out to play. I am all for snow. But, we are having the coldest temps in 10 years. Today the windchill was -10. so not exactly the best for being outside with small kids. Baron really liked it and did not want to go in. Amelia never really complained ( just her personality) but I could tell she was cold. And she could hardly move in all her layers. So I brought them in after 30 minutes. But, I think they still had fun ( even if it took me an hour to get them dressed).<
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Today was the kids first dental appointments. It went better then ever expected. We went to a pediatric dental office. And it was huge. Had a fish tank, multiple play rooms, birds, and the kids got to pick out prizes. Baron did so well. And the dentist said he was one of the best he has seen. He even cooperated enough to get X-Rays. No cavities and no plague. And Amelia has a basic baby check up and everything looked perfect for her. I tried to get some pictures. but, did not have much luck. I was in the room with Amelia ( Baron got to do everything by himself) and saw him and tried to get a picture though the window. I also got a picture of one of the play rooms. What a nice place. If anyone in St. Louis wants there info just let me know. It is a very big place that has multiple Doctors ( but it took me about 4 months to get into)
Ice Skating
On Monday Baron started Ice Skating lessons. He was really excited. He got his skates on and that was fun. Amelia was kind of sad as she took off her shoes and asked for skates. Baron was pretty good on carpet. But, when came to getting on the ice he had some fits. He wanted me to go with him. He did not want any part of the teacher. He can stand up on the ice. He also was able to take about 8 steps on the ice. But, everytime the teacher would come over he would not let her pick him up. So class was ok. We will see how next week goes.
Our Property
On Saturday Nolan went down to our property to check everything out. It has been five months since anyone has been down there. Baron was not able to go. It was too cold with a high of 20 and Nolan was outside doing work all day. Nolan got one of those game cameras for Christmas and wanted to hang that up. We tested it in our yard and it worked great. We will see what we get pictures of. Also, electric is getting closer to our land. And a few "neighbors" have put up cabins. We are hoping to start on one soon.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Trip home
See how bad the car was crammed full? It was actually quite funny. but, hard for packing and unpacking. mom had to take most things out of bags and cram in places. We had the dog house int eh back and it takes a lot of room. Plus all our Christmas presents. We had a great time. This was the time where both Amelia and I fell asleep. We did great and the whole trip. In fact Mom and Dad were excited on how well we did in the car.
Hooiser Bath
What boys will think of. Yes they tried all different things. Laying down, standing up, head first, and I think they loved it all. Opa got up to about 40 miles per hour and Nolan was sore the next day Baron even loved it. They did not go as fast with him!
Winter at the Farm
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