We have been having lots of fun. We had a nice week of weather. Then we were blessed over the weekend with 5 inches of snow. And we are supposed to have more on Tuesday. We are so ready for spring. I have been bad about taking pictures of our outings with my camera. I'm going to be better in the next few weeks.
On a big note ( for Amelia ) is she started Tiger Tots last week. It's an awesome program through a local high school. It's the advanced child development students doing their "real" world experience supervised by the teachers. They took Amelia even though she was not 3. It's every Monday and Wednesday for 8 weeks for 2.5 hours. Baron is also going. He goes to regular preschool on Tuesday/Thursday. I felt bad to send him to something 4 days a week. But, he loves it and I did not want to drive just one there.
It is amazing what all they have done. These kids have some energy! The have sent home tons of cute projects and both kids are so excited to go. I was REALLY worried about Amelia since she is still 2 and has never been away from me. Well she is doing great. They all think she is so cute and they told me how great she is. Baron is one of the oldest kids so the teacher has let him be the helper and pass out paperwork and lead the group. Can you imagine how much my first born loves that???
On a funny note when I picked them up they could not stop talking about how well they get along and how close they are to each other. I guess Baron holds Amelia hand when they have to walk down the hall, ect. They also sit next to each other at lunch by choice. So I guess even though the fight at home they are best friends at school.
Last week was the first time since I have been home that I had anytime to myself while both kids were gone. I have to say it was weird. But, I did enjoy it. On the first day I went to Target and got shopping done then went home to clean. On the 2nd day I met a friend for a half hour then came home and got tons of cleaning done. You can get a lot done in 2 hours without kids!