Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Magic House
Last week ( it rained) and I took the kids to the Magic House. It was the first time in about 2 months. They had the sand canstle stuff going on outside ( new for summer) and the Alice and Wonderland. Kids had fun and they were surprised that their good friends happened to be there so we meet up with nathan and Landon.
Most all summer we have been swimming. It's the kids favorite thing to do. But, I don't really get any pictures of that. As I have to really be watching and playing with the kids around the water.
Ok these are not uploading also. very weird. going to restart my computer. Gosh hoping to get something down before the kids wake up.
Thought was funny
I thought this video from Baron at baseball a few weeks ago was funny. He did get a good hit. But, he did not swing at the first pitch. Most kids swing at everything! he told us later it was a horrible pitch so he was going to wait for a good one. Isn't that little routine before he hits cute?
Party at Riley's
Amelia got invited to her friend Riley's birthday party. It worked out perfect as Nolan took Baron to the Cards game. Sorry no pictures there ( we dropped the ball). Amelia really likes Riley and they are going to be in the same preschool class in the fall. What a fun afternoon with food and fun. Amelia loved the water slide the had set up. I was VERY surprised and she had no fear and no trouble getting up.
What a bummer I got some cute pictures and have tried forever and I am getting weird errors. I have no idea.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Last week we had a short visit from Andy and Clark. Andy was in town for work for a few days. And he brought Clark with him to spend time with grandparents. William was at home in a summer camp and of course baby Jack stayed with Mom. Excuse Baron's "pink" shirt he made his first dyed shirt and he said he picked red and it turned out pink. But, he still likes it. Notice anything funny about this. Clark is 11 months younger then Baron and they are the same size. Baron has maybe a half of inch on Clark. I guess that it what happens when your dad is VERY tall! Amelia actully really like playing with him.
Swing around fun town
Yes we have been consumed with baseball. I have more videos of him hitting in the last 3 weeks that I not going to upload. But, he loves it a lot and wants to practice all the time. One night he was even crying and asking Nolan to work with him on catching. He said a certain kid catches a lot better then him. We took the kids to swing around where Baron got to do batting cages for the first time. And we ( even Amelia) did go carts. How fun for all. We did the double ones and they went fast and the kids had stearing wheels so they thought they were driving too.
Gymnastic Camp
A few weeks ago the kids got to go to gymnastic camp. They went with a group of friends and had a blast. Since parents did not stay I only got a video of a little bit of the end. Amelia seems to be real good and that kind of thing. Oh....and Mom had her first day with no kid and enjoyed it!!!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Baron is now in the heart of his baseball schedule. With as many as 3 games a week. We have been very proud as the last 2 games has been really hot. Heat index 100! And he hates the heat and has a full uniform on. The kids on his team our dropping like flies. But, Baron has not complained once. We are making sure hwe gets enough liquids and we cool his head off in between innings. We can tell he is alittle slower. But, he tells us that he won't complain as he likes baseball and baseball players play in heat.
We have been to the pool for the last 6 days in a row. We are having so much fun. But, I haven't taken many pictures as I am usually int he water trying to keep my eye on both kids. Amelia likes to just play with toys. But, Baron has gotten reallyt good with swimming and is too cool for Mom. He always finds a friend and can be seen doing the slide, driving under water for toys, or jumping off the side. My kids love the water as much as me and are at pretty good ages to hang out at the pool for a longer period of time. We meet friends up at the pool and have picnics It is just great that we have such a nice pool so close to us.
Black River

Over Memorial Day Nolan took Baron down to our property for an overnight camping trip. I stayed home with Amelia. We had a ton of fun. Went swimming, Toys R Us, Out to eat, and to Chuck E Cheese. Not sure what I was thinking as i forgot to take pictures of anything. But, Nolan did take a few pictures of his adventure. My favorite is Baron with the twinkie. We don't normally buy junk like that and we are not sure if he had every had before. But, Nolan said he loved and thought it was so cool ( as Nolan let him have for part of his breakfest) . With all the rain the the river has now made a little island. So that is wear they camped. They had to cary their stuff and walk across the river for the campsite.
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