We went to New Orleans over Thanksgiving. We all had the best time. We had amazing hosts!
I'm so far behind on everything. I have been subbing more. And I'm getting ready to go back out of town to go to Memphis Friday morning. I have tons of pictures on Nolan's camera. Those will have to wait and I will at least get the ones off my phone.
Went to the Nature Center on the way to Cape. This was a huge hit with the kids

I have this same picture when he was a baby!

Stopped at Lambert's for lunch! Do yum and the kids loved catching rolls.


Cafe Du Monde

Stair step children posing with their "doo doo dolls".

William 7, Baron 6, Clark 5, Amelia 4. We are missing Jack in most pictures. He is not quite 2 and was in a stroller.

Thanksgiving Day
Becky and I ran in a 5 mile race. The weather was wonderful and the kids loved playing in their yard. They have a trampoline and a real sailboat which made an awesome play fort!
The kiddos and Nolan were obsessed with their cat that acts like a dog!

Funny story. We stayed up late the day before thanksgiving cooking the meal. We made 2 pies. One was a turtle pumpkin pie ( which was amazing). Then a regular pumpkin pie which I made. All the adults chose the turtle pie and Baron chose a piece of each. He normally loves pumpkin pie but said the regular was gross and throw out. I just thought well maybe he thought it was nothing compared to the turtle pie. Well the next day several adults tried the regular pie and about gagged. Turned out I left the sugar out of the pie I made. Haha. I'm not a night person!!
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