Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Six Flags

I did not get any pictures. But, before the 4th I was able to take Baron to Six Flags. We had such a great day. It was just him and I. We went to the water park then went to car and changed clothes and went to the park area. We got there at noon and stayed till 9pm. Baron did so many waterslide and the wave pool. He is able to do most of the adult rides because of his height. He loved them all. And for some reason they were not very busy so we got to ride a lot of things 3 or 4 times. And a couple of times they did not even make us get off the ride. How fun. I am still trying to get over the 2 ice cream cones I bought for 15 dollars! It was yum and the time. I can't believe how he does not mind those rides that turn you upside down and stuff. After another year Nolan may have to take him as I am not sure that I can handle much more.

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