Tuesday, March 3, 2009

What kind of Career am I going to have?

Today we spent the afternoon at the magic house. It is one of our favorite places. Today I was able to try out some different careers. Most of these will be perfect if I don't go to college. Don't tell Mom and Dad that! Auto body repair, Computer repair, fisherman, ice cream cart worker, grocery clerk ( like my Dad was in his younger days), or President. I better start school tomorrow for this one. We had a great afternoon with Mom. Mom said we were both very good. Amelia is now 10 months old and she has some new tricks. She can now drink out of a straw ( I like to share mine with her), and she can climb up a whole flight of stairs. Don't worry Opa Mom stands right behind her.

The only funny thing today was I decided to start climbing up a 2 story Jack and the Beanstack things. Mom warned me that I was too small. And I got scared 1 story up. Don't worry it is made for kids and their really is not anyway to fall. And I froze and would not come down or go up. Mom tried to make me follow a bigger kid and I wanted no part of that. I just stayed in one place saying high. Well after 5 minutes Mom had to come in a get me. and I screamed the whole way down. I think i will wait awhile before I try this again.

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