More ice cream pictures. Kids take after their parents and my Mom happens to have a crazy sweet tooth! It's pretty bad that she gets emails from Maggie Moo's and they send her an email to let her know that today they were giving away free ice cream for tax day. So we went. And at the end you may see I have two ice cream cups ( I took Amelia's). I am sure she did not want the rest.
We had a fun day today. In the morning we went to Target for supplies ( Mom says we are always out of something), then to the gym to work out. Then we had a short amount of time to play outside before lunch. After lunch and naps we went and had ice cream. We got home in just in time to take a walk in the neighborhood. I got to walk with some of my friends. By the end of the walk there was like 9 kids ( multiple adults) going to the bus stop to pick up 1 kindgergarder who has 2 younger brothers. Then I rode my bike. I am getting tons better. Then after dinner I played basketball with my old friend Collin. We are wore out.
Hey do you notice the big scratch on my face. My Mom really got me today. I moved as she moved and her nail went right in my face and took skin off. Boy did Mom feel bad. And Mom said this was pretty funny. I wear underware sometimes ( I have been going on the potty for along time) but I am still not potty trained. Mom thinks she is going to stay home all next week ( she will be crazy by the end of the week) and get me finsihed up!. But, I like my underware and now I came out of Amelia's room with some bloomers from her dress and keep telling Mom this was her underware. I really wanted her to wear underware like me.
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