Sunday, May 31, 2009
I'm a little boy that loves Ice Cream
Actually, I love all kinds of sweets. Dad says I am addicted. Mom says I take after her and Opa. Notice how most of the outings revolve around food. Good thing we exercise!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What a day- Mom had a special day with me
Mom had planned a special day with me for months and we had the best time together and have many photos and videos to show. Which may take me more then one day to put on here. First we dropped off Amelia at the sitters so it was just me and Mommy all day. We drove all the way to Cape Girardeau and we stopped at the gas station. Mom got gas. I went potty and got some candy. Then we went to the Show Me Center for Thomas Live . I really don't know much about Thomas ( since I am not into TV). But, I love trains. So this was great. Mom got me a T-Shirt and a hot dog at the show since it was around lunch time. Then after wards we went walking around campus ( where my Mommy and Daddy went). We even walked up a really steep hill called cardic. In 90 degree heat. Mom even pointed out her first dorm room where she meet Becky and Andy 14 years ago. Who are still my parents best friends and both of our Godparents ( oh the memories). Can you believe how old my parents are. To Mom it seems like yesterday she was in college. But, it has been 10 years, 2 kids, 1 dog, and almost 9 years of marriage. After are walk we went to eat. Where do you think Mom would take me: Chuckie Cheese, o charleys. Nope guess again. A BAR. Yep Mom took me to her favorite place it has the best cajun food int he word and it is a hole in the wall. Trust me normal people eat there too and I even saw some other kids ( that made me feel safer). Then we went to the Mississippi River. Wow that water runs fast and it was high! Are last stop was Andy's frozen custard. Were Mom got confused on the size and ordered a medium ( it was huge) and we shared it. After that we headed home. I think Mom ran out of Money and I needed a nap.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I love riding
Please ignore my sister. She got upset as she wanted to get out and play in the water.
I love my bike and I am getting pretty good. I was kind of distrated by water puddles. But, hey what boy would not like that! It is so much fun to ride and I am getting pretty good. I can actually ride down my hill in front of my house.
I'm so Cute
She is so cute we can't stand it. She really has a way to get what she wants. She thinks it will come in handy when she gets older.
Steven's Graduation Swim Party
Our neighbors son Steven graduated from HS so yesterday they had his party. There was over 100 people there. They have a huge family. The weather was not great - but the kids did not care. Steven is such a good kid and he earned a full ride scholorship and is the last of his other siblings to graduate. Actually, they had 3 kids in 3 years so we have been at there house for grad parties before! What a fun time had by all. Amelia did really good and I am turning it quite the swimmer and wore goggles some for the first time. I saw the big kids with them!
Monday, May 25, 2009
I got to go shopping with Mommy
While Baron was camping Mom took me on a shopping trip. We found really cute outfits for Baron and me . They are supposed to be for 4th of July but we will probably wear them earlier. Mom just loved them. Then we got Baron a rash guard and new swim trunks. The only proablem was they were out of his size! So Mom got the size bigger ( see the pick of him trying them on). Mom said he can grow in them or wear big she really liked them. And Mom treated me to a Aunties Anne's pretzel. It was a lot of fun. I could get used to this only child thing. Actually, Baron and I are getting along real well now. He shares with me, kisses me, hugs me, helps me, and plays with me. It it starting to get fun. I bet we can team up against Mom soon.
Car Ride Home from Zoo
Doesn't this look like a fun car ride home to you? After we left the zoo we were both very tired. I fell asleep before we got out of the parkign lot. But, what did my sister do....SCREAM. Yep the mild mannered Amelia screamed the whole way home. Mom's said her head was spliting byt he time we got home. She would nto take a snack and when Mom offer her a drink she throw the cup at Mom. We just moved her carseat forward facing and since it is so strait up we think she could not fall asleep. She was so tired but just would nto close her eyes. The things we catch on tape.
Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday we went to the zoo. It was great we had a blast and Since it was a holiday weekend Dad got to go with us. We ate there, rode the train, and looked at tons of animals. But, by the end of the day we were worn out! We even had coordiating outfits from. Amelia had a romper with flowers and monkeys and my shirt had a monkey on it. You know how Mom likes that stuff.
One of my favorite things to do at the river
I hope I don't lose my pants. Dad said some of the other people on the river were laughing at my plumbers crack.
Camping With Daddy

I got to go on a camping/fishing trip with Daddy. I even caught some fish! Dad found some backwater where there were lots of little sunfish for me to catch. The one picture of me in the car is at Sonic. I was very excited since I got a kids ice cream. We had a clast togther. But, we had to get home to see Mommy and Amelia.
Happy Memorial Day
Friday, May 22, 2009
Yes it's me climbing!
See how well I climb. I am taking after my brother. Mom has also noticed that I can follow simple instructions. Like please get your milk and bring to Mom. How time is flying!
Summer Yet?
We are ready. Today it is 90 degrees here. I am off to go camping and fishing with Daddy for the night. ( maybe we will have pics tomorrow) And yesterday Mom took us swimming at the neighbor's. The pool was heated nice for Mommy. I was really into swimming and with my waterwings I would go the whole length of the pool. But, Amelia was not to into it and would not leave Mommy. But, we both get to go again on Monday for their annual big party and we also have a pool membership. So hopefully, we will get better by the end of the summer.
Today Mom also took me and Amelia to a birthday party ( it was for my friend- but I let Amelia tag along). It has been so busy I was invited to 4 parties just this week! Mom can't even keep up with my social calendar.
Also, this week I got to go to the Cards game again- but Dad left the camera in the car! These were not Dad's regular bleacher seats. These were in a special section and I got to ride a golf cart up to the stadium ( fun). and I got to go to the game with my special friend Collin. He is my neighbor who plays with me (even though he is 9). I got to eat special food and got to go to the bathroom with Daddy twice. Daddy taught me how to stand up and pee ( Dad said it is cleaner at pubic boys bathrooms)- but I only get to do that with Daddy. Mom says no to that at home! no messes! And I did not get home till 11pm (that is the latest I have even been up). I did not even fall alseep ont he car ride home. I'm a big boy!
Look what I can do?
I am becoming more of a walker everyday. It is pretty nice - till my brother bumps me. I am kind of liking the view. I guess I am a big girl now! Watch out Baron I am going to catch you soon.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Can you believe Mom would dress us like this??
Mom is back and it is good to have her home. Daddy did a real job with us. And we had fun at Marcy's last week. Mom did tons of neat stuff in Hawaii but will have to post pictures later. She left her camera at home so the pic our on Opa's camera and Mom said she has to wait for a CD. Mom did hiking, visited a active volcano, ATE TONS, swam, layed at the beach, and had fun with our cousin Kaija.
The house way even in pretty good order when she got home. And thanks to our all friends that stopped by to visit Daddy. Meagan my favorite sitter ( she is good looking) came and watched Amelia on Sunday so I could go to the Cardinals game with Daddy. Becky and Andy stopped by on sunday evening and even folded some laundy for Dad- how is that for a friend! And Ken and Keri came by last week and took us to dinner. And of course Marcy our regular sitter who watched us all week and even feed us dinner a few nights when Daddy was running late from work. And they took us to six flags with Daddy.
Mom came back with a few surprises for us. See pictures of our matching outfits. I am sure someday we will be like I can't believe Mom dressed us like that in PUBLIC! Today we went to the rec center and the park and everywhere we went people asked Mom about our outfits and how cute they are. Mom could not get really any good pictures because if you know us we are always on the move. And Amelia is now walking most of the time.
Monday, May 11, 2009
More Flags, More Fun
Amelia again...just kickin' back with my sippy-cup and watching SportsCenter. Ovechkin is a stud. Anyway, thought I'd recap our first visit to the mecca of amusement parks...Six Flags. Home of the Screamin' Eagle...and $12 sodas. We went on Mother's Day, with our friends the Rosners. We sure miss Mommy, but Marcy is a pretty cool lady. She has a season pass, and they let us tag along.
The rides are lots of fun - Baron and I got to check out the kid area. I still think I can handle The Ninja, but I guess you have to be 54 inches or something. Whatever. Anyway, all was well until I met some giant dude called Scooby-Doo. More like Scooby-Don't. I was terrified (peed my Pampers). Here I am just strolling along the theme park, and out comes a 7-foot Great Dane! And apparently, he lives in a hippy-looking van. Dad said he was cool...but I was keeping my distance.
Fen(ton of fun)
AB here. That's right...little sis is bloggin'. After our walk at Fenton Park, we decided to explore all that Fenton has to offer. Let me tell you...there's a reason why people are flocking to this charming burb on the banks of the Meramec. On the way home from the park, we checked out the floodwaters. Quite a sight...the Meramec is mighty high right now. Of course, the annual flooding of the Meramec means the annual cleansing of the Queen of Hearts. Yes, the upscale strip joint located on the river road in beautiful downtown Fenton.
What's a trip to Fenton without a little GB action? Gravois Bluffs, buddy. Everything a High Ridge (or Arnold..Dittmer..etc.) could ever want. We stopped at the Sonic to score a Jr. Candy Sundae and a Root Beer Float. My brother seemed enamored with the ladies on roller skates. He wanted his photo taken with one, but she thought he was creepin'. Anyway, it doesn't get much better than Sonic on a summer evening. Like daddy says, there are four seasons: Spring, Sonic, Fall, Winter.
Dad's Rants
Ok, Dad here. Laura and the kids know that I'm good for a rant here and there. You know, things that just bother slow walkers in public places and that Nancy Grace lady. So we are strolling in the park when I notice a net hanging in between two baseball fields. As the photo shows, it is hanging over the bleachers to protect the spectators. I'm sorry folks, but can you not see a baseball (or softball) coming over the backstop? Maybe you should watch your kid play, instead of playing Sudoku on your BlackBerry. You're at a ball diamond...keep your eyes on the ball. A sign of the times, perhaps. Protecting people from themselves. Whatever happened to a fan snagging a souvenir foul ball at the ol' ball game?
Rant...well, more of just an observation. Check out the guy sporting the Tino Martinez/Cardinals shirt. Tino freakin' Martinez? You have nothing else in your closet?! I bet your kid is embarrassed to be seen with you (ok, maybe this is a rant). Seriously, do we need a reminder of the infamous "Tino Experiment"? Remember the wicked long slumps ol' Tino went through? Looked like he was going to squeeze the bat into sawdust up at the plate. Can't this guy grab a Luddy or Albert shirt at the local Wal-Mart?
Done. Much better :)
Straight Up Strollin'
This wasn't the first time we've been to Fenton Park to take a walk. But it's the first time we've turned it into a 5k. Dad seems to think I am in a Hal Higdon training program...we covered some serious distance last Saturday. The weather reminded me of San Diego...well, I haven't made it out there...but I hear it's nice. My little sister seems to like these stroller rides. And Dad is scaring me - the dude is talking about the intricacies (like my expanded vocab?) of specific stroller brands with the strollin' moms in the park. What's next...swapping recipes?! Anyway, the park is cool. Heck, I even got to pee in the woods!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Mom is now in Hawaii
After oversleeping on Friday (she never does that) she has made it through long travels to hawaii. She was supposed to leave at 4:45 AM and she got up at 4:37. But, mom got ready and made it out the door by 4:50 am. Had a flight to Chicago 2.5 layover. Then a 9.5 hour flight ( no sleep for Mom) to Oahu. Then a layover and half hour flight to Kona and then a hour drive to Kristin's house. What a day! She is just taking it easy today.
And Dad has us and we are doing tons of fun stuff. This morning we went to the park and have friends visiting in the afternoon and tomorrow Dad is taking us to Six Flags for the first time. Daddy is taking lots of pictures for Mom- but not sure if they will get posted till she gets back. Daddy will be busy! Mom is going to have some pictures from her trip. We are so lucky we have such a great fun Dad to take care of us all by himself so Mom can get out . This is defiantly way more then when Daddy goes on a weekend float trip! Mom already has some surprises for us!!
And Dad has us and we are doing tons of fun stuff. This morning we went to the park and have friends visiting in the afternoon and tomorrow Dad is taking us to Six Flags for the first time. Daddy is taking lots of pictures for Mom- but not sure if they will get posted till she gets back. Daddy will be busy! Mom is going to have some pictures from her trip. We are so lucky we have such a great fun Dad to take care of us all by himself so Mom can get out . This is defiantly way more then when Daddy goes on a weekend float trip! Mom already has some surprises for us!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Watch out I have skates
Today Mom took me to the store and I got inline skates. ( and all the safety stuff). Mom let me try them out for the first time int he house. Don't tell Dad- but Mom thought it was safer and it would not hurt the floors since they have never been outside. These skates have 3 levels. 1 is for walking, 2 is for forward only, and 3 is both. Mom started me on 1. Mom did not think I was too bad- the video is my first time. Mom says I can practice more after nap.
Amelia the walker
Amelia has been alittle slow to walk. she has been standing holding on to things since 4 months and can climb. We all know she is scared to let go as I am always there to touch her. The last few days she has finally started to take steps and Mom has been able to get some on camera. It is hard as I am running around saying I watch and trying to hug Amelia! She is doing pretty good I think. I am going to help her more while Mom is gone.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Can you believe it - it is almost time for Mom's trip. Mom is leaving on Friday ( before we get up) to go to Hawaii for 10 days.Yep that is correct. Mom and us could kind of benefit with some time away but 2 days would probably be enough. Mom has never been away before. This is very big for us. Amelia has never been away from Mom for more then a few hours and I have only been left twice for like 36 hours. We have really been quite into Mommy lately. When one gets on Mom's lap the other one tries to push the other one off. When Mom takes us to the gym Amelia cries and I stand at the door saying Mommy. As soon as I realize that Mom left I am ok. As they say at the kids club it is all show. Dad says no wonder they are like this as Mom caters to us all day.
We are going to daycare for a week! Wow we are going to be in shock. Dad will be home on the weekends and nights to be with us. But during the day we are going to our neighbor's house Marcy. She is the greatest and does so well with kids. So it will be Amelia, I , and 3 other kids. I will have fun but be ready to come back.
Mom has already done all the cooking ( and froze it). So Dad won't have to worry to much about dinner each night. And Dad has got some outings planned for us! I am sure by the end of the week Dad will be our favorite.
We are going to daycare for a week! Wow we are going to be in shock. Dad will be home on the weekends and nights to be with us. But during the day we are going to our neighbor's house Marcy. She is the greatest and does so well with kids. So it will be Amelia, I , and 3 other kids. I will have fun but be ready to come back.
Mom has already done all the cooking ( and froze it). So Dad won't have to worry to much about dinner each night. And Dad has got some outings planned for us! I am sure by the end of the week Dad will be our favorite.
Just a regular day for Mom
This is what gets from me everyday. You would think at 2.5 I would be growing out of the getting into things. Mom put Amelia down for a nap and she was going to let me stay up a little bit more ( I woke up late). So Mom decided to take a quick shower- normally she does this during nap time or before we get up. she is always sweaty from her morning trip to the gym. Mom came out of the shower and knew I had something since she found me hiding in her bed under the sheets. So turned on the camera to catch this moment to find ( in horror) that I had got the mouth wash and opened it and was starting to drink it. Don't worry I was not harmed. How can a 2 year old figure out the safety cap on mouthwash and how does he get into cabinets that are locked. Yes it is just Baron- no matter how much we child proof I figure them out. I guess tomorrow Mom will wait till nap to try to do anything.
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