We are ready. Today it is 90 degrees here. I am off to go camping and fishing with Daddy for the night. ( maybe we will have pics tomorrow) And yesterday Mom took us swimming at the neighbor's. The pool was heated nice for Mommy. I was really into swimming and with my waterwings I would go the whole length of the pool. But, Amelia was not to into it and would not leave Mommy. But, we both get to go again on Monday for their annual big party and we also have a pool membership. So hopefully, we will get better by the end of the summer.
Today Mom also took me and Amelia to a birthday party ( it was for my friend- but I let Amelia tag along). It has been so busy I was invited to 4 parties just this week! Mom can't even keep up with my social calendar.
Also, this week I got to go to the Cards game again- but Dad left the camera in the car! These were not Dad's regular bleacher seats. These were in a special section and I got to ride a golf cart up to the stadium ( fun). and I got to go to the game with my special friend Collin. He is my neighbor who plays with me (even though he is 9). I got to eat special food and got to go to the bathroom with Daddy twice. Daddy taught me how to stand up and pee ( Dad said it is cleaner at pubic boys bathrooms)- but I only get to do that with Daddy. Mom says no to that at home! no messes! And I did not get home till 11pm (that is the latest I have even been up). I did not even fall alseep ont he car ride home. I'm a big boy!
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