Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hooiser Pool

Today we kept busy all day. Dad is out of town till tomorrow. So we went to the gym in the morning so Mom could run, then went to Old Navy, the grocery store ( to get stuff to make a special cake for Daddy for tomorrow). Then we came home for lunch and naps. After naps we played outside in a pool. We have a pool pass and both our neighbors have pools. But, Mom has a hand me down pool that she has never used and thought what the heck.. It was raining off and on and Mom did not want to pack us all up in case we could not stay long. We came inside and cleaned up and went out to dinner. Both Amelia and I ate our whole meal - so we got to finish up with a chocolate shake from Sonic. When we got home there was still some daylight so we rode bikes then off to take bath and go to bed! Wow I am wore out!

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