Today Mom told us she was going to take us to Bounce U. Well Mom made reservations and showed up with both of us. And the lady told Mom they had to move the time of the preschool bounce ( and they forgot to call her). Mom was NOT happy. But, I was saying how much I wanted to bounce so Mom decided she would take us to Monkey Joe's instead. There is pros and cons to both- but, Mom wanted to do Bounce U as Amelia was jumping and Bounce U is more contained and only for smaller kids. So we made it to Monkey Joe's and we all had a good time. But, Mom was almost in tears when we left. When Amelia was jumping I would not jump in the "baby areas", and I was so excited I would just run to the next thing before Mom could get Amelia picked up. Mom does not like me out of her sight there ( she says it is not safe as there is such bigger kids around). One mom actually told Mom don't worry just let him go. Easier said then done. I don't know how to ask for help, find my Mom, say my name or my Mom's name clear. They do have wristbands that they match up before you can leave the place. We only made it an hour! Amelia had fun the limited time Mom was not running after me. Her pics were not really good. Once we got in the car a Friend called and we met them for lunch. Where I also drove my Mom crazy (getting up out of my chair). Oh well we did have fun and are looking forward to playing outside after naps!
Friday, July 31, 2009
I think we put Mom through the ringer today
Today Mom told us she was going to take us to Bounce U. Well Mom made reservations and showed up with both of us. And the lady told Mom they had to move the time of the preschool bounce ( and they forgot to call her). Mom was NOT happy. But, I was saying how much I wanted to bounce so Mom decided she would take us to Monkey Joe's instead. There is pros and cons to both- but, Mom wanted to do Bounce U as Amelia was jumping and Bounce U is more contained and only for smaller kids. So we made it to Monkey Joe's and we all had a good time. But, Mom was almost in tears when we left. When Amelia was jumping I would not jump in the "baby areas", and I was so excited I would just run to the next thing before Mom could get Amelia picked up. Mom does not like me out of her sight there ( she says it is not safe as there is such bigger kids around). One mom actually told Mom don't worry just let him go. Easier said then done. I don't know how to ask for help, find my Mom, say my name or my Mom's name clear. They do have wristbands that they match up before you can leave the place. We only made it an hour! Amelia had fun the limited time Mom was not running after me. Her pics were not really good. Once we got in the car a Friend called and we met them for lunch. Where I also drove my Mom crazy (getting up out of my chair). Oh well we did have fun and are looking forward to playing outside after naps!
July Running Totals
This month I ran 123 miles. I did one half marathon ( not in the time I wanted) and I am still training for Chicago again this year. But, I have not ran much this week and kind of having doubts about marathons. I am giving myself 2 weeks to see if I want to continue training for chicago. It is more of a mental thing now... don't think I am going to get the time I want ( so do I want to run it) . And I feel like I am missing tons of family stuff as I am always running. This is probably silly as I am home all day everyday with the kiddos!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Zoo Trip
Today we went to the zoo and had a awesome time. The weather was not to hot. We went with our friends ( and there Mom). Drew who is 6 months older then me and his sister Leah who is a month older then Amelia. It made for a very fun day! We rode the train , went to the children's zoo ( where we got to play with goats- this was a highlight). Then we had a picnic lunch with our friends.
I'm working on them. I still don't have them memorized. But, I can pretty much say everything. And everyday I make my parents laugh with funny things that come out of my mouth. Mom thought it was funny that I came in to her room a few days ago in the morning and said ( Dad was out of town) Is Dad at work? Mom said yes. Then I said He had to go make money.
Random Pics from a few nights ago
Dad's B-day
Yesterday was Dad's birthday. WE had a great day planned for him. We got him a backpacking stove ( which he tried out tonight for dinner). We got him a card and a cake. Then we took him out to dinner to the Cheesecake Factory and we got to ride the carousals the mall. I am kind of scared of it. But, my sister loves it. Also, excuse the gross scab on my nose! I feel at the pool ( minor) and then I picked it so it looks real gross. We have had such a fun week. Swimming, Dad's birthday, the zoo, and I Think I heard Mom say we are going to Bounce U tomorrow
Friday, July 24, 2009
Hike at Castlewood State Park
Yesterday on a whim we went on a hike to Castlewood State Park. It is really nice there and only about 20 mins away. This was kind of tough for Mom as she keeps us on a strict schedule and this was the craziest we have ever got off. We did not leave till 5pm and hiked till 7pm at at 7:30 and did nto get home till 8:20. But, we all survived and enjoyed ourseves. We did abotu 3 miles. Mom carried Amelia ( and she was wore out after this- it was steep). I walked most of the way. And Dad carried me on his shouldeers some at the end- I was going to slow to make it home befor dark. We love doing things outside. We had a great day!
Typical Baron and Amelia's pigtails
I was finally able to get Amelia's hair in pigtails. I am loving it!
Those of you that know Baron know he is a handful and still into things. Yesterday at lunch I asked him to go to the bathroom and wash his hands. I was getting Amelia cleaned up after lunch. After about 3 mins I checked on him and this is what I found! I asked him what he was doing and he said his feet were dirty too so he was washing them. Oh my he keeps me on my toes.
Fruit Snacks and Poop
So Baron has been talking about poop a lot. He is fansanated by it. We keep telling him we don't talk about it and it is wrong. It is not helping that every time he says it people laugh at him like isn't it cute. This is not helping. Anyways, I have been teaching him about money. He loves it and he has been taking some out of his piggy bank to give to church. Then yesterday at nap time I asked him if he wanted to buy something with his money and he keep saying fruit snacks and yogurt. So I thought when he woke up I would get it on video. Look what came out of his mouth. I had no idea he was going to say poop again!
Playing together
We try to play togther. But, it usully end with me getting made at Amelia. She either does not understand the rules, do it well enough, ect. I get so frustrated. But, here is a glimpes of us trying to play togther. it won't be long and I bet Amelia can keep up with me. I am so excited to have a playmate. i just need to work on my patience and being softer with her!
Dancing Kiddos
Amelia is really into dancing these days! It is quite cute whereever we are st if there is music on she starts dancing. Restaurnats, stores, ect. On our way home last night we turned the radio up and this is what we had in the backseat. Life is great!
Amelia Playing Hard to get
We like to hold hands in the backseat of the car. My sister was busy with snacks. Our hike lasted so long! It was after 7 and we were starving!
Vacation Bible School
This whole week I have been at Vacation Bible School. It is from 9-12 m-f. It has been a full week and I have been so tired I have been taking 2.5 hours naps! You are supposed to be 3 to go to VBS. But, they made an exception for me since I have been potty trained for months now and I did really well at camp there 2 weeks ago. But, this is a different story and it was kind of overwhelming for me! There were so many kids there and most were bigger then me so I was kind of scared. There is tons of load music. And multiple days I did not want my Mommy to leave ( my teacher said I was fine once Mom left). But, you know Mom she kept thinking maybe I am pushing him ( he's only 2), he has plenty of time for school, ect. But, Mom decided I needed to work on skills learned at VBS and kept taking me and I ended up having a great week. The only thing the teacher said is I would not go to the bathroom for her. Mom is not sure why! So I had last went at 7 am so I held it for 5 hours. Mom is still not sure how I do so good with holding it! I don't even have accidents at night and I drink milk before bed.
They took pictures of VBS and I happen to be in the first picture. If you would like to view them they are at:
password: gizmo
They took pictures of VBS and I happen to be in the first picture. If you would like to view them they are at:
password: gizmo
Sunday, July 19, 2009
More Canoe trip
See me picking up the trash. Dad is a fanatic about keeping the water pristine and he was giving me a lecture and leaving no trace. Why he wss setting up camp my job was to walk around and pick up trash. Yep other peoples trash. Dad was sad about it - we found a beer can and water bottle someone had left. We also saw lots of wildlife and I loved telling Mom about it when we got home. I missed my sister a lot and I bought her something at the canoe store before we left. And that was the first thing out of my mouth when I got home. Look what I got for "Baby". Notice at the end my cookie. Was it snack time? Nope that was what Dad got me for breakfast. Amelia had a nice time with Mom. They went to the mall, out to eat, played outside, and went on a walk. But, Mom got kind of bored at home since it was so quite.
My first Overnight Canoe Trip
This was a spur of the moment trip. We were blessed with very cool July weather. So Dad came home from work on Friday and said to Mom let's take him! I have camped many times at our property and been in a kayak. But, never overnight in a canoe and our camping was primitive ( on a gravel bar). I had a blast with Daddy and I did great.
WE did 10 miles. Dad took me into a cave. It was just so much fun. It is hard to get back to the real work this week. I am going to Vacation Bible School this week. I bet that is nice for me.
Friday, July 17, 2009
What a week ( all star week)
Sorry we are way behind on our posts. What can we say this has been a crazy week! Lets see where to start:
Mom ran in a half marathon
WE all went to All Star Fanfest
Dad went to the Home Run Derby
Dad and I went to the All Star Game ( got to leave at 2pm and got home at midnight)
Kick Ball games at the park
Out to eat a few times with Mom
On a play date at a friends house got to do a slip n slide ( fun)
More running!
Dad finished one of his MBA classes and the final project
Dad still is working on the second class which has 4 weeks left
He is also up for a promotion at work so has to submit a cover letter and resume which took him awhile to finish.
Is next week going to be any slower? I doubt it I am going to vacation bible school. And listen to this ( don't laugh) Mom is volunteering at it ( I hope they don't find out she really does not like kids ) . It not really that bad Mom is just not the kind of person that goes crazy for other peoples kids - like she would NEVER work in a daycare!
Hope you enjoy the pics ( notice Amelia's bump on her nose and head-She fell). We also have some more pics from the All Star game from Daddy friend camera. He is going to put on a CD for me. All in all I guess it was a nice week.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Fun Day!
We had such a fun day with Mom today. She took us to Monkey Joes. I love that place. They were having a school age camp going on so there was lots of real big kids there. But, it was still fun. It ius becoming harder for Mom everyday--As Amelia really wants to do it- but Mom will nto let Amelia in a bounce house with 10 year olds. And I won't go to the baby section ( Mom does nto even like me around there as I am to rough even though I am under 3).So Mom just tries to keep us both happy and oes a pretty good job. Afterwards Mom took us out to eat. We had a great meal then off to home for our naps. ( As you can see it is hard for mom to get good pictures while chasing us both)
On another note are much loved sitter ( next door neighbor) has quit wacthing us. She wantched us for 1/2 a day once a week so Mom could keep up around the house. She is watching kids full time for 2 families and they both are having /had new babies - so there is not really room for us. Mom thinks it nice that she can use the money she was paying her for more fun stuff. But, we make it really hard to clean during the day and she is too tired or wants to see Daddy at night. She is thinking about maybe hiring someone to come to the house a few hours a week so Mom can do some stuff. She is just nervous because she it not sure she can find anyone as good as Marcy.
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