Friday, July 24, 2009

Vacation Bible School

This whole week I have been at Vacation Bible School. It is from 9-12 m-f. It has been a full week and I have been so tired I have been taking 2.5 hours naps! You are supposed to be 3 to go to VBS. But, they made an exception for me since I have been potty trained for months now and I did really well at camp there 2 weeks ago. But, this is a different story and it was kind of overwhelming for me! There were so many kids there and most were bigger then me so I was kind of scared. There is tons of load music. And multiple days I did not want my Mommy to leave ( my teacher said I was fine once Mom left). But, you know Mom she kept thinking maybe I am pushing him ( he's only 2), he has plenty of time for school, ect. But, Mom decided I needed to work on skills learned at VBS and kept taking me and I ended up having a great week. The only thing the teacher said is I would not go to the bathroom for her. Mom is not sure why! So I had last went at 7 am so I held it for 5 hours. Mom is still not sure how I do so good with holding it! I don't even have accidents at night and I drink milk before bed.

They took pictures of VBS and I happen to be in the first picture. If you would like to view them they are at:

password: gizmo

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