Monday, August 24, 2009

2 years ago

Today was the day I left my job 2 years ago to become a stay at home Mom. A lot has changed in 2 years. We now have Amelia and Baron. I have learned a lot about kids and myself in these years. I miss my job and walked away from a the best job with a awesome company to take care of Baron and Amelia. I have learned that being home is much harder of a job then my old job. It is hard when you never get a time during the day to take an easy. When you work you get bathroom breaks, lunch breaks, time to talk to co workers, vacation days, and time were maybe you just slack some at work. At home you don't get that you always have little people depending on you for every need. Now that I am home I totally understand why some people choose to work!

I would not changed this decision for the world. Our kids have had a very special life ( so far). They have got to see and do a lot of things that would not happen if I worked. I am their first teacher and have a big responsibility to them. I have seen them blossom and accomplish so much. And never missed out on any "firsts". These years go by fast. You only live today once. And they are only little once- someday they will be driving cars and not wanting to cuddle with Mom and Dad.

I have also came to the conclusion that in parenting it never gets easier. There is always challenges: Now it may be not listening, wanting to do everything for themselves, and screaming for when they want something. But, soon enough it will be stuff like driving, school trouble, boys ( with Amelia).

Baron and Amelia are getting at a nice age now. And Amelia can do a lot . But, now when I look back at the stuff that Baron had to do since we had a second child- I think it forced him to grow up sooner. I was talking to my pediatrician about some challenges I was having with Baron and he said what do you expect he is really still a baby himself and does not understand the consequences of that. That really made sense to me! He does so much and now most of are troubles are that he wants to do everything for himself- even stuff that is not age appropriate ( like pouring milk). He dresses himself, goes potty by himself, feeds and drinks out of a regular cup( hates sippy cups), get in the car by himself, buckles his carseat strap. It is hard on Mom watching there kid not need them as much. Amelia has turned into a toddler now- she tries to do everything her big brother does. And hates it when I tell her no. If Baron rides a bike she thinks she can do it to. She has brought so much joy to our lives. She is so sweet and it is nice to have a softer side in the house. She really completes our family and it is neat getting to experience both.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to this! There are definitely things that I miss about working. But, like you said, I wouldn't trade this time with them for anything! Much more work and much more wonderful rewards! :) Baron & Amelia are lucky to have such a loving mama!
