Yep we are pretty deprived as we are not doing as much now. For a couple of reasons. First, I go to school 3 days a week (just for a few hours). Second the flu is really going around here ( even causing my school to close last week). We have not been sick yet. But, Mom has been nervous and really using hand sanitizer a lot!. We have no protection yet as we don't get our flu shots till next week. And who knows if we be able to get the H1N1 shot and the version Mom wants for us. As they are out everywhere around here and now kids are not even on the priority list ( unless there is other health conditions). Third, the weather has been bad most of October. We have only had a handful of nice days. This week is has rained since Monday ( all day long). It is crazy how much rain we have had!.
This week Mom ( after she worked out). She took us to the gym to play around with the volleyball and basketball. We actually think the volleyball is a soccer ball. We have races, kick the ball, dribble the ball, and shot the ball. What a great way for us to get energy off. Then today Becky and Andy were in town and we went to lunch with them and their boys. Then they came over to our house to play. Andy even put us up on the top bunk of my bed. This was so much fun.
We are in the same boat - even if I have another adult with me we're staying away from the kids museum, etc. Not enough h1n1 shots and too many germs!!! Stay healthy :)