Monday, November 9, 2009


Last night after dinner Mom got us a kids ice cream to share. We ate outside then came right in for baths. But that is not what our post is about..... It is about the love we have for each other. It is is neatest thing in the world to watch. Especially, since I had a rough go when Amelia joined our family. Sometimes I have a hard time knowing my strenth. But, we love each other a little more each day. In fact we hate to be apart. If I wake up before Amelia all I talk about it getting Amelia. If she wakes up first she runs and hugs me. She cries when I get to go to school. When people give us something I always ask for two - and give the other one to my sister. When someone does something to Amelia ( like take her cup)- I tell them don't take that from my sister.I always try to look out for her and help her down stairs and things like that. We are a good team! And we like to gang up on Mom. Don't worry there are still days where we fight over toys and attention. But, generally we are like 2 peas in a pod. Life is good when you have a sibling.


  1. That is so sweet! They are very lucky to have each other :-)

  2. That is sweet! I bet it is so much fun to watch :). I can't wait to watch the boys build that relationship as they grow a bit older. And I love all of the fall pictures with the leaves!
