Today was Baron's Christmas show at school. They had been practicing for over a month and the teacher said that Baron always participated and like it. Well.. That was until he saw over 100 people there to watch it. It was so cute! There were parents , grandparents, aunts, uncles, ect at school. They had it in the church part. Baron got scared when he walked into the Church and would not get on the stage. He just stood to the side and was completely silent. The teacher was right there. At least he was not disruptive. If you look in the pictures. Baron is at the side staring into space.
The day did rebound. Santa came and to my surprise both Baron and Amelia enjoyed sitting on his lap. They each got a gift. Then afterward they got punch and cookies. It was Baron's first time trying that punch people make with sherbet. He loved it. Maybe next year. He is up to a full year younger then the others in class.
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