Boy these kids are spoiled. These our from there cousin Violet. Wow Baron was excited to get a new camping hat. Notice a theme...this guy loves the outdoors. And Amelia got a princess book with 6 stories. She was excited as one of the book was Princess and the Frog and she just got that movie last week. Thanks for the thoightful gifts.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
More Christmas Gifts
Boy these kids are spoiled. These our from there cousin Violet. Wow Baron was excited to get a new camping hat. Notice a theme...this guy loves the outdoors. And Amelia got a princess book with 6 stories. She was excited as one of the book was Princess and the Frog and she just got that movie last week. Thanks for the thoightful gifts.
Gym Time
My camera is seeming fuzzing.. I need to look into that.
Gifts and weekend Visitors
We had gifts sent to us from the Brennecke's. The kids got some really neat things. Amelia got a ladybug book and ladybug game. I wish I would of got her opening them on video. She was so excited and jumped up and down. And has now been sleeping with the book everynight. Of course us adults got some neat things from Becky and Andy. Or course we miss them this year. As they are in New Orleans and Becky just had a new baby last week. His name is Jack Henry and he is perfect! We can't wait to meet him.
Then over the weekend our friends that live in Kansas Ken and Keri came for a weekend visit. They also spoiled the kids. They gave Amelia a Tinkerbell dress up outfit ( complete with wings). As you can imagine that was a huge hit. Ken had this "camping shirt" made for Baron. It was so thoughtful and perfect. It has his picture on in and is just something to treasure. He now loves his shirt and wore it the last 2 days. Baron had some trouble when he opened gifts and he did not understand why Amelia got a cool dress up outfit and he got a T-Shirt. He has came around....But, first he wanted to try on the Tinkerbell outfit so he could fly. He is a weird child!
Baron's Christmas Program
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Snow day!
Today we had a very pretty snow fall. The problem is it is REALLY cold the wind is blowing 40 MPH and it's 10 degrees. The kids love it and have been outside playing for along while. They have lots of cold weather gear. Even though some of it is too small. Baron NEEDS new snow pants but I have nto found any I liked this year. His are 2 sizes to small and boy it took him laying down and Nolan and I both pushing to get the zipper zipped! Nothing keeps the Brunnworth kids inside.
Breakfest with Santa
We had a great time at Breakfest with Santa. Amelia is not in many of the she was in a bad mood. Stayed up too late and work up to early so she really was pretty fussy. Oh well we did not let that stop us from the fun and Baron had a blast. They really loved all the crafts they did and got to take home.
We had so much fun this week
Monday, December 6, 2010
Like I said last week
I am trying to be better with the blog. I have finally figured out what the issue is. I don't have many pictures on my camera anymore. I got on the bandwagon and got an IPhone and now I have been using that way more then my "real" camera. And I don't plug in my Iphone much to get info off of it. Plus the COLD weather has finally hit and we are having to do more stuff inside....big bummer. Last week we did go to Chuck E Cheese. The kids love it we never eat there. Ours is real clean and nice and we always have fun. So here is a few pictures. We also went to the Transportation museum with some friends. But, once again only used my Iphone. Maybe I will do better this week as we have about 3 big activities planned.
And no Amelia does not have something on her lip/face. Last week she ran into a wall ( with no help from Baron) and hit her face pretty good. It almost went all the way through.
Monday, November 29, 2010
November Running Totals
Still in a running funk. Ran 89 miles this month. Did a 5k race..where I did horrible! Oh well. As while I have been gone lots of stuff going on and this weather and lack of winter races is not helping things. Hoping I can pick up better in December.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Christmas Tree
On Saturday our family went to the Christmas tree farm for our perfect tree. It was a tough decision for this family. We spent close to 2 hours outside and walked the whole area many times. We wanted taller 14 foot. But, I had to talk Nolan into shorter 10-11 foot and a nicer looking one. What a fun day!
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