I am trying to be better with the blog. I have finally figured out what the issue is. I don't have many pictures on my camera anymore. I got on the bandwagon and got an IPhone and now I have been using that way more then my "real" camera. And I don't plug in my Iphone much to get info off of it. Plus the COLD weather has finally hit and we are having to do more stuff inside....big bummer. Last week we did go to Chuck E Cheese. The kids love it we never eat there. Ours is real clean and nice and we always have fun. So here is a few pictures. We also went to the Transportation museum with some friends. But, once again only used my Iphone. Maybe I will do better this week as we have about 3 big activities planned.
And no Amelia does not have something on her lip/face. Last week she ran into a wall ( with no help from Baron) and hit her face pretty good. It almost went all the way through.
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