Well the ice cream man made his first trek to our neighborhood. Of course it made us happy. The kids can hear his truck miles away. But, we were most happy that we can be outside playing. But, the funny thing this year... Was last year I would order the 1.00 dollar juice bar that splits in half so they both got a treat. When the truck came this year Baron told the man he wanted the Spiderman ice cream and Amelia wanted the Scooby Doo ice cream. So my total was 6.50. They better go back to liking the other ones as we can't get the big ones every time! Wow what a mess they were to. Had to stain stick the clothes and take them in for baths.
Also did you noticed Baron's new workout outfit? He loves it and is so proud of it. He picked it out himself at Target for soccer. The only funny thing it was kind of cold for shorts. But, heck they are long anyways.
Mmm...they've graduated in the ice cream world :)!