It is really hot here and no sign of it getting cooler soon. We have been going to the pool LOTS. A new development is I took Baron's water wings off and he is doing great. He can swim for short distances. He gets kind of scared in deep water and wants me to grap him. We are just so lucky are pool is really geared to little one and Baron can walk over most of the pool.
Baron aslo had t-Ball this weekend. The season is over this week. Baron has had fun . But, I am glad it is almost over. It is getting hot for baseball games.
On Saturday Nolan went to a night Cards game with a friens. so I held down the fort. Since it was so hot we went to a cooling station ( AKA the Mall). To our surprise the play area was re done and the kids enjoyed then I took them out to eat. where Baron ordered his own complete meal with drink to the "Dad". The waiter. I guess he thinks all grown men are Dads. Because he kept saying when it that Dad going to bring me my food. It was pretty funny. Then we came home where the kinds managed to get me and them wet with there new water blasters!
For Fathers Day we made Dad him a Baseball Ice Cream Cake. Baron enjoyed helping and picking out the stuff for it. And boy was it good. Then we swam and spent a day at home cathing up on stuff.
Your mall looks great. It's super hot here, too. I love that Baron was calling the waiter 'Dad.' When we are out Jake identifies all grown men by saying "That's not my Daddy." And to all of the women he says "That's somebody else's Mommy." It's pretty funny.