The train ride did not go as well as expected. Baron had "missed" his nap. I put him down that day but her never went to sleep. Then it was time to get going to go to the train station. I am not sure why things workout like that when you have so much planned. You would think at almost 4 he could miss a nap. Well it is not pretty when he is not rested! Wow. First the train is hard as I had to carry 2 kids and all are luggage and a car seat a pretty far distance. Thankfully, the kids were really good at this. Since I had no spare hands. Baron took Amelia and got her through a very crowded train station in Chicago. I packed a dinner for the kids on the train. Not sure what a "snack" car consisted of. I was glad I did as the options were not great. Baron was in a bad mood the whole time since he had no sleep. The only positive he fell asleep at 7:30 pm which he normally would never do and stayed in deep sleep for 3 hours. During this time Amelia was "wild" she was even laying a jumping on Baron. I have no idea how Amelia stayed awake the whole time. Even when they turned the lights out! I tried getting her blanket, reading books, ect. She just never would go asleep. At least she was not bad behaved. Just had a lot of energy. We did not get into Chicago till after 11pm. Which is safe to say is the latest ever for the kids. It was 1 am when we got checked into our hotel. Long day for everyone! But, the kids were so excited when Opa picked them up!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Train Ride
The train ride did not go as well as expected. Baron had "missed" his nap. I put him down that day but her never went to sleep. Then it was time to get going to go to the train station. I am not sure why things workout like that when you have so much planned. You would think at almost 4 he could miss a nap. Well it is not pretty when he is not rested! Wow. First the train is hard as I had to carry 2 kids and all are luggage and a car seat a pretty far distance. Thankfully, the kids were really good at this. Since I had no spare hands. Baron took Amelia and got her through a very crowded train station in Chicago. I packed a dinner for the kids on the train. Not sure what a "snack" car consisted of. I was glad I did as the options were not great. Baron was in a bad mood the whole time since he had no sleep. The only positive he fell asleep at 7:30 pm which he normally would never do and stayed in deep sleep for 3 hours. During this time Amelia was "wild" she was even laying a jumping on Baron. I have no idea how Amelia stayed awake the whole time. Even when they turned the lights out! I tried getting her blanket, reading books, ect. She just never would go asleep. At least she was not bad behaved. Just had a lot of energy. We did not get into Chicago till after 11pm. Which is safe to say is the latest ever for the kids. It was 1 am when we got checked into our hotel. Long day for everyone! But, the kids were so excited when Opa picked them up!
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