Baron celebrated his birthday over the weekend. We had a great time. It was made even better by wonderful weather! Oma and Opa even came for the birthday. On Friday we all took the kids swimming. That is what they said they wanted to do. Thanks to Opa I did not even have to get in the water. On Saturday it was a busy day. Baron had his soccer game. We are so happy watching him play. He is really enjoying it and doing well now. Before he was very scared at games with the crowds on the sidelines. But, now he has adjusted and we are glad we stuck with it. We had some rough games at first. He is the very youngest on the team and it go to 6 year old. Actually, he is not even old enough for the team. They made an exception and took him.
After that we made a quick clothes change and went to the pumpkin patch. Fun was had there. But, I am kind of spoiled as I do a lot during the week when they are not busy. And they were so busy it kind of made me crazy! We have a tradition where both kids get to pick out whatever pumpkin they want. But, they have to be able to pick it up. As you can see the kids are now able to pick up pretty big pumpkins.
After the pumpkin patch we went back to our house for a little family party. I had made the cakes myself. He wanted camping and tractors....His 2 favorite things. They cakes could of been better. But, I am newer at the cake decorating and have thought about taking a class!
Baron got lots of neat gifts. Bounce house, lots of building blocks ( he loves to build), books, clothes. But, his favorite things were his wallet, head lamp, and binoculars, Yep he got really nice real ones. I really hope he takes nice care of them. And I hope Dad does not steal them. He loves camping and anything outside. He even like those better then the bounce house.
Also, if you notice the dress on Amelia. My Mom and I made it the night before. I want to learn to sew. But, I still need a lot of work. Coming from a person that has trouble with buttons. Maybe I will ask for a sewing machine for Christmas.
Then our last activity of the day was he got to pick where he wanted to go to dinner. He wanted Bandana's BBQ. Weird choice I thought for a little man. But, it was his day and we all love BBQ. I think everyone had a wonderful day. And now off to a busy week. I think it is going to be 3 weekend before we have a slower weekend. BOO!
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