We changed Baron's preschool. It was a hard decision to make mid year. His teacher was so sad to see him go. But, I was spending about 1.5 hours driving each day for a 2.5 hour class. There is a place that gets awesome reviews only 3 miles from my house. And it's class time is 4.5 hours. They had a opening due to someone dropping out for a family reason. And if I enrolled him now he and Amelia would be have spots for next year. Current families get priority. Last year after the current families enrolled there were only 2 spots open. So it would of been hard to get both of mine in. We are so happy to swap. I have time with just Amelia to get things done. He is learning a ton. The opening was in Pre-K the class older then him. But, they made an exception and put him in the youngest Pre-K class and next year he will be in the oldest pre-K class. They have 3 classes. Since all the kids in his class our going to kindergarten next year they are working on pretty hard stuff. But, the teacher says he is keeping up and you would never know he was younger. Next year I have no idea what I will do with myself with 9 hours to myself with both of them in school together. Wow I can't believe that time is almost here. Last night they had there open house. Amelia even got to see her class for next year. It was so great, Baron had a great time showing off his school to Mom and Dad.Baron has just grown so much this year. Last year he did not want to even get on stage with his class. And we thought he may have issues with this and this places is huge. But, he had fun and no issues.
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