Before the 4th holiday a friend had inviting the kids to their lake house. I have to say Baron had the most fun ever. Jumping into the water, boat rides, doing a diving board ( first time), and doing a slide. And it was capped off by the fact that one of his best buds Nathan came also. Amelia had a good time and really enjoy herself also. She is just not as physical as Baron and not as strong of swimmer.
I can't believe how hard it has been for me to keep up with this blog. Oh my. Time is just flying by. The kids are getting so bug. And how busy I have been. It's non stop. Kids activities, housework, shopping, and I am still doing my Pampered chef ( which has got pretty busy). Life is great now and I am having so much fun watching the kids ( even if the fighting between them can be hard). They are at such a fun age where they can do most things. Part of me kind of wants them to stay like this forever. I am going to hate some of the issues that come with older kids. I guess there is hard things at every age.
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