We went to a pretty cool amusement place. Baron was able to do most everything ( doing it was a differnt story). He was about an inch over the height limit. Amelia wanted to do everything. But, just was real limited (based on height).
First up zip lining. Baron got all hooked up and got scared. I did and had a great time. Even did it a second time with my Mom.
Second go carts. Tons of fun. Amelia got to go as a rider and enjoyed herself.
Third a ropes course. I loved it and Baron also got scared. looking back it was probably to hard for him. It was like walking a tight rope. It was kind of had for me. But, I still wish he would of tried more.
Forth the bumper boats. I always think these look dumb. But, the kids always ask. So we let them do. Baron could go by himself and Amelia needed an adult driver. They ended up really enjoying these and at the end of the day they said this was the favorite.
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