Monday, February 20, 2012

Perfect Weekend

We had the perfect weekend. Last weekend we were too busy so it was nice to SLOW down. On Friday I took the kids to the valley to meet Grammy. We ate lunch and went to a indoor playground place. They sell high end swingsets. They are awesome! But, some cost 10,000 dollars. Can't even imagine. Crazy!
Then on Saturday we mostly satyed around the house. We did take the kids to Orange Leaf for frozen Yogurt. Yum! But, half our town had that idea.
On Sunday we had our friends Scott and Jessica over for dinner. A nice easy one and it was fun. Josh enjoyed playing sports with Baron. And they have a baby. Kind of forgot what a baby was like. Amelia just kept wanting to show Hannah her babies. Like look I have one too. Not quite the same!

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