On Thursday we had Kindergarten registration. Can't believe how time has gone by. Baron is behind ready! It just seemed like a few years ago he would be so crazy during the day I thought I would never make it till he was in school. We went to his school and filled out the paperwork and did a tour.
On the same day both kids had parents teacher conferences. We are so proud of them. They both got excellent reports. We could not be blessed more with such great teachers. We have decided that Baron will do Kindergarten academy ( summer school) over the summer. It's for 4 weeks and 4 days a week. I may just send him to 2 weeks. But, I have heard nothing but great things about it. They actually get to pick things that interest them. But, Nolan and I thought going a full day would be good since he has never been away that long before. And he loves school and he will still have time left to be a kid over the summer.
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