Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We had another ball game last night. Baron went 2/2 again. And he is still doing great and loves summer school. Yesterday he ate his first school lunch. I had been packing it but he wanted to try the "mini tacos".

Amelia and her friend Grace. Her brother is also on the team

Our "bat boy" coaches younger son with baron. Baron was teaching him baseball.

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Go Girl Half Marathon

I went to Columbia for about 24 hours with some girls. We went to run the Go Girl Half marathon. I had such a good time and want to do again. But, it was tough. It was 89 degrees at the start. Over 100 heat index and full sun. Plus the hills were the worse I have seen. Many of the hills were over a half a mill up. Just horrible. Jenn and I started out great. But, by mile 4/5 we realized if we didn't slow down we were going to end up sick. We have trouble jogging. So we started running 5 mins walking for 1. We were on great pace doing this till about mile 10. And some of the hills were so big we had to walk for 5 mins at a time. So our time was not a PR but considering the conditions I'm happy.

The kids had a blast. Nolan took the kiddos to a park to meet Grammy and Grampy and they stayed past 8. Once I got home Nolan took baron to the cards game. I'm trying to get off the couch to do something with Amelia.

Also, welcome to small town America. The crowd support was awesome. People giving ice bags, candy, popsicles on the course. So nice.

A friend from college made signs and cheered on the race course. How awesome. My friend Marcy and Marisa I knew since college. What an accomplishment. Marcy had breast cancer and has had a ton of surgery/ treatment. And Marisa has recently lost a ton of weight and just started running. You can do anything you set your mind too!

Amelia was also in our local newspaper this week. She was playing catch with Nolan at the pool

Then I came home to Baron on the front page of the River Hills Traveler. They actually paid him for the photo. It was kind of a fluke for him to get in it.

After the race. I swear Jenn doesn't even sweat

At the start

Medal we got

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Week recap/basketball

Baron had a great week at school. He figured everything out on his own. Got good reports all three days from his teacher. He loves it all... Even the long bus ride. I had to wake him up all three days. He took it fine and dress himself without a fight. Actually, he was ready before it was time to leave. He still had energy after school. The first day he played baseball till 9pm, 2nd day played with a neighbor, and tonight went to basketball camp.

Speaking of basketball he was by far the youngest and we had no idea it was going to be a real coach. He was HARD on this kids. But, he really worked with them. I thought he maybe intimidated. Nope he loved it and wants to go back next week.

The coach was making baron dribble with his left hand and shoot left handed layups

Amelia had a nice week. I'm pretty bored with just one. She is just pretty quiet and can entertain herself for along time. She was also in our local paper this week. They took her picture while at the pool.

Playing with the big kids

His basketball camp coach

Baron sharing a treat the bus driver gave him with Amelia after school


At the library. One of her favorite places

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


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Sisters Tea House

Yesterday when Baron was in school Amelia and I were supposed to meet a friend for lunch. Well she had to cancel last minute due to a emergency work meeting.

So we decided to go to Sister's Tea House. I have never been. I have heard lots of positives about it. The building is old and looks kind of run down so I was skeptical if it really was good. It was so busy! We had a great time and the reviews I have heard are correct.

Killing time at baseball

My food: potato soup, salad, quiche

Yum strawberry lemonade

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Baron's first day of summer school

Baron had his first day of school. He loved it and had a great day. I asked him a ton of questions when he got home. He made friends, knew when to get off the bus as he recognized the subdivision, played well, did well on the bus, and really liked the 3 recesses!

He was so ready. But, Amelia and I really missed him. It's kind of boring without him.

It's really early in the morning so I have to wake him up. I feel pretty bad about that and him missing other fun summer stuff. I just keep telling myself it's not even a full month. He had baseball last night so we didn't get home till 9pm so hopefully he is not to tired. But, I thought he would be tired yesterday. Nope!!! We are getting up in enough time for hot Breakfest and walking to the bus stop. It's 1/3 of a mile away. I

Amelia was so happy to see him get off the bus. She ran and hugged him, held his had, and she made presents to give to him when he got home

just don't like the idea of driving there. That is what everyone does. Time just went by too fast.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

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Zoo run

Today we had the zoo run. It's a pretty big event in St. Louis. It involved the kids getting up before 6am ( no small feet when they sleep till 8am)

It was such a fun (hot) day. The kids had to walk a ton before the race even started. I ran the 5k. I ran 26 something. I had VERY tired legs. I had ran 12 miles before. I had to get it in before my half marathon next weekend. That is my running priority now. So I just did a faster jog.

We entered the kids in the 1 mile timed competitive race. They were really supposed to do the 1/4 of mile for kids 6 and under. But, we thought that was a waste of time. Both kids pushed hard and did great.

After the race we got food at the zoo and did a few things. On the way home we took the kids to Ted Drewes for Ice Cream. Yummy! We went to the original location which is not in a good part of town. Nothing like being asked for money and smokes (ha).

We sure had a fun day

The picked out ice cream in baseball helmets. Baron wants to collect them all!

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer break

Summer break is off to a great start! Fun! They went to Chuck E Cheese with friends on Thursday. Then on Friday we had a picnic and went on a bike ride. Amelia loves her new bike she got for her birthday.

The kids rode over 3 miles. We saw lots of wildlife. Stopped at the dog park ( of course) and we stopped at the playground. It was so hot!! Afterwards we had to stop at quik trip for drinks.

The kids have just been playing great together. No fighting and just doing there own thing. I thought they would be wore out. Nope they came home for hours more of bike riding, skating, and tractor driving.

Baron also had meet the teacher night for summer school. He is so excited. I had a hard time getting him to leave the classroom. He goes on Tuesday. Amelia and I are really going to miss him. He is so ready for school. But, it was so hard to pass up this excellent program our school district has. We got him all set up with money on his lunch card to get milk ( he wants to bring his lunch) and since it's summer they can get a Popsicle too. It's like half fun half school. Baron has always loved school so I hope it continues. Each week is a theme sports, pirate, Hawaiian, and another I can't remember. It's the first time in 5 years he has been away for a full day!

The kiddos made rally squirrel hats!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last day of school

The kiddos finished school today. I should of got pictures of them with their teachers. It was such a great year! They both hit the
Jackpot and had excellent teachers. Amelia will have her same teacher next year. I'm not sure how she is going to make it 3 months without seeing Ms Carolyn.

Baron has always did excellent in school. But, he has just learned so much and is more then ready for school. He tells time ( digital and regular, does addition , multiplication, subtraction, counts to 200, write really well, knows and can write all letters and numbers, starting to read small words. We are going to really work with him over the summer so he doesn't forget stuff. His teachers just went above and beyond to work with him

We have lots of fun stuff planned for the summer. We are all very excited. At the same time it's kind of bittersweet. The kids have been playing well together. They really are best friends. The are both a little sad that they won't be at the same school next year. I have told them its only for a year. And as much as baron loves school it will be weird having him gone all day.

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Practice and more practice

Baron pretty much loves to be busy all day. He is such a worker bee. He has been know to go pick weeds for over an hour. Give him a job and he does perfect

He also loves to play sports and ride bikes. At 8:30 this morning he asked to go outside and play baseball catch. How could I say no to him wanting to get better at things.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful day today. I woke up early and went on a nice run at Grant's trail. It's my favorite place ever!! Then I stopped by Target to get a plastic tote. I had an organization item I wanted to do

Then I came home to two happy kids and a hubby that cooked me Breakfest. My second for the day as I ate before I ran. Ha! The kids had made me wonderful handmade gifts at school. Then they loved the gift giving so much they kept making new gifts and giving them to me. These were their prized items. A few stuffed animals and an American girl doll. They always put jewels on it for me. So sweet ( of course I did put their stuff back in the rooms)

Then we just played around the house. Also Baron had baseball practice. It was so fun as his coach had a mom against son kickball game. Wow those boys are athletic. I'm still a little bummed that kids got me out twice.

Also, the kids and Nolan took me out for awesome ice cream. Gotta live Maggie Moo's.

Also , Baron fixed Amelia's hair for me. He actually does a good job. Then he helped dress/pick out an outfit for her. Of course for 90 degree weather he picked out a brown and orange fall fancy dress with hot pink leggings. But, it was perfect in my book!!

Candle holder

Notice the tag he made for this "gift"

The only thing that would of made the day better would of been if my mom was closer.

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