Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last day of school

The kiddos finished school today. I should of got pictures of them with their teachers. It was such a great year! They both hit the
Jackpot and had excellent teachers. Amelia will have her same teacher next year. I'm not sure how she is going to make it 3 months without seeing Ms Carolyn.

Baron has always did excellent in school. But, he has just learned so much and is more then ready for school. He tells time ( digital and regular, does addition , multiplication, subtraction, counts to 200, write really well, knows and can write all letters and numbers, starting to read small words. We are going to really work with him over the summer so he doesn't forget stuff. His teachers just went above and beyond to work with him

We have lots of fun stuff planned for the summer. We are all very excited. At the same time it's kind of bittersweet. The kids have been playing well together. They really are best friends. The are both a little sad that they won't be at the same school next year. I have told them its only for a year. And as much as baron loves school it will be weird having him gone all day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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