Sunday, October 28, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences

Last week was conferences for both kids. After a sort of rough start for Baron he is doing amazing. He had a harder time being away. Was really missing out on time with the parents

Both kids got all "P's" which is equal to an A for little kids. Amelia was screened for kindergarten and scored 98 percentile and 1st grade level. Both kids have a ton of friends and the teacher loves them. Amelia is so blessed with a teacher that thinks the world of her. Ms. Caroline and Amelia have a special bond. And I know Amelia is going to miss her next year.

Funny story: Amelia was talking to a boy ( her good friend at school) and gave him her correct phone number and told him " give this to your mom so we can have a playdate"

Baron has got 100 percent on all his school work except this sheet from last week.... In MUSIC

Poor kid blessed with my music skills!

He was supposed to circle if the music was high or low that the teacher played. We tried to go over with him and he could not get. He kept saying it all sounded loud so I guessed on everyone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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