Monday, March 18, 2013

Catching up... Life is flying by

I still need to get pics of Nolan's camera. Oh my maybe I should just give up.

Took my pretty girl to see Annie

In her "movie star" dress


Hiking in the snow


Amelia is still in gymnastics and doing awesome. She is close to moving to elite. But, her poor cartwheel is not good enough.

Baron is still playing basketball. What a great experience. So blessed with his team and coaches. He also went to a camp at his school. He won MVP for his grade.

I can't get enough of her!!

Baron ice skating!

Baron is playing flag football. It's been so cold. Amelia and I have been watching from the car. Her passing time coloring.

YouTube Video

Baron is in the purple in the back row between 2 girls.

Amelia made these. She is asking for art supplies for her birthday. Her crafting is quite incredible.

I took this little lady to register for kindergarten last week. So is so excited.

Both kids had 3rd quarter report cards. Both kids got the highest scores they could get in every category. Thankfully, they both like school. Amelia scored very high on her kindergarten test. 99 percentile. She is already reading sight words and doing addition.

Baron is playing football. He likes and scored 3 touchdowns his first game.

YouTube Video

Baron calling the plays and playing quarterback in practice.

YouTube Video

Praying before basketball. Such an awesome league. Great coaches and players. Baron improved so much this year. Probably because he was playing with 2nd graders.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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