Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First week of summer break

I am still having to deal with repairmen and getting our basement finished. After 13 days I finally have a new washer/dryer. And all I can say is WOW! Such big difference then our old ones. It looks like our basement is about 160 hours of work. We are getting another quote this week. And I still need to find time to go to a few stores to see what kind of flooring I like.

It's taking me much longer to get my "chores" like grocery shopping, cleaning, mowing having both kids home.

Last week we went to six flags with friends. Since we got passes we might go once a week. The kids want to do the water park. So we are hoping the weather works out this week.

They rode by themselves

Amelia left me and wanted to ride with Jenn

Baron took one for the team and rode some "baby"rides as everyone else wanted too. Don't worry he also dragged me on the Ninja twice and the Streaming Eagle.

Amelia had her last gymnastics of the season. She got a medal!

We went to our cabin. Baron is in his element

His pet

We went to the park and did a bike ride, played on the playground, and fed the ducks!

It's always good to wear your helmet at the playground. After she parked her bike she didn't take time to take off. Haha

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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