Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rock Climbing

We are in the thick of fall sports. Both kids are having lots of fun and doing great. Baron is blessed by the baseball organization he got on. It's very positive and he is really happy. He is still really liking soccer and a few of the boys he has played with for 3 years.

Amelia is really developing in soccer. Crazy how much she has changed in a year. She is having fun with her team and plays great.

School is going well. Of course Amelia loves! Baron is doing well. All A's on his work. But, the amount of work he has is frustrating for both of us. Hard for an active boy to go to school all day then have an hour plus of homework. On another note he is developing a love of reading. His reading level has been soaring and he is really enjoying it. He has been asking for more books!

This weekend after Saturday soccer we went rock climbing. Amelia was a star! She had a ton of fun. She made it to the top on the first try in under a minute. Nolan and I were laughing inside. She was talking all kinds of smack to Baron. He tried and never made it to the top. He kept getting scared. Way to go Amelia.

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