The kids did another tri. Baron got first in the 7/8 year age group. We were surprised since he is 7. Amelia did well she didn't place but put out an awesome effort. School started back up. I'm happy to report it's off to a great start. Baron had (maybe me too) had a lot of apprehension about his teacher. Turns out she is a perfect fit!
We have lots of sports going on! Baron practices/or has baseball games 3 times a week. And his soccer is also 3 days. That doesn't include any races.
Amelia is in Girl Scouts still, gymnastics, and soccer. It's our busiest time.
The kids still love antiques. Baron is really into anything old!
Amelia and I went to Kansas City for a weekend with Oma and Opa. Unfortunately, for the 1st time in 7 years we didn't get to go to Michigan for summer. The kids were disappointed. But we had way to many commitments to get away.
Amelia learned to ride her brothers motorcycle. He taught her all by himself and she is pretty good.
Amelia and I went to the premiere of the American Girl movie. It was such a nice event and we both enjoyed.

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