Sunday, February 28, 2010

Feb Running Totals

I ran ( I can't believe that high) 192 miles this month. I even missed a couple of days due to weather. But, on Friday afternoon ( the last day to offically change) I called and moved from the marathon to the half marathon for my big April race. I was kind of bummed about it. I had made it up to 17 miles ( and that was pretty easy). So I know that I would of been able to finish. But, running was kind of becoming consuming. I try to give my best to everything and I was failing. I was starting to feel sick and my back has been hurting. And I had tons of stuff where I need to be with the kids. This is the 2nd time I have tried to train for a marathon since having kids and it has not worked out. I am going to just do half's and shorter runs for now and maybe when the kids are older I can do another marathon. As when I do one I really want to run a fast time. I am not really into doing one just to finish as I have already done that! I have tons of St Louis friends doing tha half and Keri my friend in Kansas is coming in and doing the full. I won't be able to run with her. But, I can cheer her on as she finishes in under 4 hours. She has got so speedy!


  1. That's still awesome! I tried to train for my first half and didn't make it because everyone was super sick in nov & dec when I was supposed to year maybe! I'm just doing a 10K in April.

  2. 192 miles this month! That is awesome! You make my 127.50 look like nothing! You are going to have a great half marathon time.
