Thursday, February 4, 2010

Why we have been gone

We have been gone for awhile. So we have not had much "free time" for fun things. Because most of our extra times have been made up of Doctor appointments. Amelia has had the same double ear infection since Christmas and she can't get it cleared up. Finally yesterday they gave her an antibiotic shot ( 2 actually) in her legs. It was pretty rough but they said this should work. Thankfully.

Baron has had coughing spells for over a year. He would cough so hard he would throw up or break blood vessels in his eyes,ect. They would always say he might have asthma since it goes along with some other issues he has. Allergies, ect. Well for the last week I did not think he seemed well. But, I could not finger out what was going on. He had no temperature. Well last Thursday he seemed fine in the morning so I sent him to school. They called me and said he does not look well and is saying he is so tired he would not lift his head up. This is not like him.I took him straight to the Dr and he was having a full blown asthma attack and was not getting enough oxygen. After much medicine and some stress and another Dr appointment I am hoping he is back on track. He is going to a specialist next week so we should be able to get this all figured out. Because we don't want what happened last week to happen again!


  1. Ken and I are sorry to hear this Laura. I hope they have it figured out so he can start to get better. I hope Amelia is feeling better as well. Please give them both a hug from me!

  2. I'm so sorry. I hope they figure out how to get both of them well ASAP. Keep us posted.
