Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lewis and Clark Half Marathon

Last Sunday I ran in the Lewis and Clark Half Marathon. Bummer as I got no pictures. I have a group of girls that we train together and did the race. And my friend Jenn and I ran pretty much the whole race together. I went ahead in the last quarter mile. I finished in 1:55. Wow it really hurt me! I guess I had not trained enough. My splits were as followed:

Mile 1 8:11
Mile 2 8:24
Mile 3 8:25
Mile 4 8:26
Mile 5 8:39
Mile 6 8:31
Mile 7 9:03
Mile 8 8:53
Mile 9 9:25
Mile 10 9:00
Mile 11 9:21
Mile 12 8:27
Mile 13 8:54
Last .1 7:40

I had such a fun day. This was the 9th year of this race. This year is the last year and they have merged this race with the Rock n roll series and next year we are having a Rock N roll race in St Louis. How cool. But I am still a little bummed over the commercialization of running. this race was 40 bucks and the Rock N roll will be 85 for the half! I am going to run Go St Louis in the spring and will register for that this month.

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