Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Baron's 5 year checkup

Baron had his 5 year checkup this week. Just like Amelia he made it a year with no doctor visits! What a blessing. Well at the start of this year I was kind of bummed the Baron missed the cutoff for school. And all his friends went! Well I have loved having him home and it has turned out to be a blessing. When we went to the doctor went on and on how much being the older kid is such an advantage. Our doctor actually gave him a written test. I was worried as it looked hard. Baron completed all of it. And told me only the first 3 are kindergarden skills. The last things he did he said only half of 7 year olds can do. This is on track for what we were told at his parent teacher conference. He already is doing most of the stuff required in kindergarden. We just think this is going to set him up to me a good student and be confindent at school.

Baron was 45.5 inches tall ( 91%)
Baron was 45 LBS ( 75%)

It's going to be close if he is 48 inches by the summer to do the big slide at the pool!

He gained 3 lbs and 3 inches in the year. The doctor said most kids gain about 5 a year. But, he has really thinned out and is a lot of muscle. Weird for a little kid. But, he loves exercising and does about 30 pushups most nights!

We are just thankful for a healthly kid.

And this made me so proud. Baron had to get 4 shots. Last year he had to be held down. This year he told us he will just take it and be tough. Oh my gosh he was! He did not even flich! The nurse said "Wow this made my job easy". At one point he said "it's not bad I'm ready for more". What a tough little boy.

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