Friday, November 4, 2011

Day With Amelia

Nolan and Baron are gone for the weekend on a overnight kayak/camping trip. Today I spent the day with Amelia. It is so nice to have one on one time with a kid. We went to the gym. She wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. She even wore her Chuck E Cheese shirt. I am always amazed as somehow she always ends up getting a ton of tickets. Then we went to lunch and did some shopping and playing at the mall. After we got home she was a big help as I organized both kids closets. Tonight we are just going to have a lazy night at home with hopefully an early bedtime. We have more fun planned on Saturday and Sunday!

She had everyone in Chuck e cheese cracking up as she got so excited when she won tickets. We only got 20 coins and she got over 250 tickets!

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