Thursday, June 7, 2012

This week has been spent at the pool and sports. Baron has 4 baseball games in a week. He is doing awesome. He also had a great week at basketball. Gotta love after an hour plus practice he goes up to the coach and asked to practice more

Amelia is also getting into sports. She has been playing whiffle ball and soccer a lot. I wish I would of got some pictures. They are having a special weekend of events at his baseball fields. Last night we went back to the fields at 6:30 and didn't leave till after 11. Baron and Amelia played with his baseball teammates. Then at 9 they out an outdoor movie on a huge screen. It was the Sandlot which is now there favorite movie. Plus I think the liked that they got glow sticks, popcorn, candy, pretzels, and a slushi during the movie.

It was so hot yesterday! Oh my I was frying.

YouTube Video

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