Baron was lucky to get to go to the his first Cardinal Game of the season on Saturday. I'm sure he will take in many this year with his Daddy. he is so great at the ballgame. This was a special one and Nolan's Dad joined them. Too bad they did not get a picture of the 3 of them! Nolan said guys are bad at stuff like that. It was a full day. They left at noon to catch batting practice. Where they even were able to catch a ball! And this was a record lenght game. I think it went to 20 innings! They stayed 10 innings then went out for pizza for 2 hours and watch there. Baron and Nolan finally made it home at 10pm. Then they stayed up to watch the rest of the game.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Cardinal Game
Baron was lucky to get to go to the his first Cardinal Game of the season on Saturday. I'm sure he will take in many this year with his Daddy. he is so great at the ballgame. This was a special one and Nolan's Dad joined them. Too bad they did not get a picture of the 3 of them! Nolan said guys are bad at stuff like that. It was a full day. They left at noon to catch batting practice. Where they even were able to catch a ball! And this was a record lenght game. I think it went to 20 innings! They stayed 10 innings then went out for pizza for 2 hours and watch there. Baron and Nolan finally made it home at 10pm. Then they stayed up to watch the rest of the game.
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