Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

Today was parent teacher conference at Baron's school. Yes they have conferences for 3 year olds. It was very short ( I was told this was good- no issues). It is just so funny how much a challenge Baron is for me. But, he is PERFECT at school and whenever I ask things they look at me like I am crazy. He is doing really good and he is the very youngest in his class. Actually, they made an exception and took him with his late birthday. But, since he misses the cut of for school...He has 2 more full years of preschool.

He knows and recognizes his first and last name
Can write his first name ( I think it's pretty bad...but the teacher is impressed)
Knows his colors
Knows all shapes except rectangle and diamond ( which he called kite)
Indientifies and knows all numbers to 10
He would not say his ABC's ( no surprise this is a weakness)
Holds sissors properly and can cut out shapes. Very good
Cut in straight line
Cut in a circle
Can glue
Can put on a coat
Can zip or button
Can hold a pencil correct
Can run, jump, and stand on one foot

This is what is funniest to me....But, what I hear from everyone. He takes toys from his sister all day long. Pushes her you name it he has done it.

He plays well with classmates ( very social and has tons of friends)
He shares his toys
He helps clean up
He praticipates in group activities
He listens in quiet time
He follows directions

He also knows his right hand and left hand

What can we say we are proud parents. Look like I may have a good student on my hands1 Yipee


  1. what a sweet 'report card'! he sounds like such a smart and caring little guy :) you should be proud!

  2. Laura,

    We feel the same way about Griffin. He is an angel at school, but crazy at home!!
