Saturday, July 31, 2010
Trying to make a boat
Baron found this huge piece of wood down at the creek. And he was trying to make it float and be a boat. He was getting frustrated with his sister since it would not work correct. After 3 minutes my camera shut off. I guess that is the time limit for videos. So I missed out on the rest.
Friday, July 30, 2010
I know what Baron wants for his B-Day........
And I guess it is safe to say he does not want a Barbie Doll. Wow the stuff they pick up from other kids.
Baseball W/Amelia ( Take 1)
Poor Amelia does not have the baseball skills down yet. But, she is learning
Wild Day
Today my friend Jenn and I decided to take our kiddos on a big playdate. Baron is best friends with Nathan and they really get along well together. They are 2 peas in a pod! We went to Bounce U and the kids had tons of fun jumping. Baron got kind of confused at the end as he wanted to stay for cake and ice cream. so I had to try to explain that is only for birthday parties. Then we took are kids out to eat. Where everyone did really good at the restaurant. Then since Costco is next door and I needed to get 2 items. And Jenn said she wanted something for a dinner party. So we took the kids on a field trip to Costco. After all that fun I think I can cancel my Magic House membership. The older boys were yelling at me to push them fast in the cart ( which they loved), then they wanted to take spins around the fridge section, then off to get a free cookie. On top of all the samples they had they had a whole smorgasbord in the cart and they loved it. They were just laughing and giggling so hard.
Amelia has kind of crazy hair. Her hairband broke so I gave her mine. I did not want her to have hair in her face while she was jumping.
Baron is just like his Mom. And yes it is kind of hard to deal with. Now I feel real bad for my parents. Look at him at the front of the line. Has to be first just like his first child Mom
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Fun Day
Today we had so much fun. A group of my friends and kids were supposed to go to this cookie decorating place. But, our reservation got cancelled because of a birthday party. Then last minute Mandi and Megan came up with a great idea. Mandi had 4 girls over and our total of 8 kids. Everyone plays real well together and everyone is the same age. The oldest turned 4 in Jan and the youngest will be 2 in August. We ate lunch ( Costco pizza), made cupcakes, decorated cupcakes, played with toys, and had outside water toys as it was almost 100 degrees. I am so worn out and I think the kids are too. They are napping now! Look at how many sprinkles Baron put on his cupcake. he loved doing it himself. But, by the end he had more sprinkles then cupcake. Amelia loved the tinker bell chair ( and all Leah's purses)and since Drew just had a B-day he had tons of Buzz toys which Baron loved.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I love you Mom
Yes my sweet little lady has been telling me she loves me. Yesterday with some prompting I got her to say on the camera. Her cute little voice.
My wildlife Pic
The other morning when I was taking the kids to there dentist appointment. I saw a pretty deer on the rode outside our subdivision. I see usually about 1 a month. But, today was different as he just hung out by my car forever. I always keep my camera in my purse. But, I am usually not fast enough for a pic. I waited a few minutes and he was still hanging out by our car. The animal loving kids were loving this and could not wait to tell Dad about it. Well then I decide to get my camera . But, it was in the bottom of my purse. So by the time I got the picture the deer was making it's way. On a side note I guess people are not to caring about animals while they are on there way to work. I had 2 cars honk and pass me for being stopped. finally the 3rd car stopped and enjoyed the sights with me. Some people need to slow down to enjoy the simple things in life.
On a side note: The kids did wonderful at the dentist. No problems at all with their teeth.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Amelia the Diva
Today I had to take Amelia with me to a Doctor's appointment. And she was wearing my sunglasses. She is such a girl and just so cute.She is so girly. She is picky about her clothes, likes pink and purple, loves purses, lipstick, dolls, shoes. And she looks up to her brother "Boo Boo" or "B" that is what she calls him. She can often be heard saying wait for me Boo Boo. On a side note I have a sore knee. I just woke up with it one morning. I knew it was not hurt. But, it is very swollen, red, and painful to touch. It was confirmed at the Doctor that I have a bad inflammation on the joint. Which I am having more tests done as it looks to be arthritis. Way to make me feel old!
I did not have Baron with me as he had VBS this week at his school. I was kind of nervous as he has not been away for me (except the gym) all summer. He has always loved school and just ran in and never even said by. Well this summer he has been way into Mom. It's a little overwhelming. He does not even want me to go to another room. He has many friends at VBS! But, he was saying he did not want to be away from me. After kind of a rough drop off. He had a great day. I got to pick up early and looked in on him. He was singing and dancing. And as we left he told the teacher he would be back tomorrow. On the way home he told me about how he got to go outside and play and make a picture of Joseph. he also told me about all his friends that were at school. So happy he had a great day
Cheeries made with love from Baron
Baron pick up things very fast. I was pitting the cherries for our breakfest and he came over and said he could do it. With no help he did a very good job.
Amelia Pictures

When we were up in Michigan we took Amelia to get her picture taken. This is in a baptism gown wore by her great grandmother who is 94. It is very fragile. Amelia WAS NOT into pictures that day and was beyond fussy. We did manage to get some pictures that were ok. The funny thing is that this is the second time in a row I have taken my kids to get pictures taken ( different studios) and they have ask me to sign a waiver to use the pictures in advertisements. Anyways, I had to bribe Amelia with some gum. So she is chomping it it many of the pictures. Not really sure how she figured out gum ( because I am not a big gum chewer). But, she knows! I can give her a piece in the morning then come lunch she will hand it to me to throw away. What a funny little girl
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