The other morning when I was taking the kids to there dentist appointment. I saw a pretty deer on the rode outside our subdivision. I see usually about 1 a month. But, today was different as he just hung out by my car forever. I always keep my camera in my purse. But, I am usually not fast enough for a pic. I waited a few minutes and he was still hanging out by our car. The animal loving kids were loving this and could not wait to tell Dad about it. Well then I decide to get my camera . But, it was in the bottom of my purse. So by the time I got the picture the deer was making it's way. On a side note I guess people are not to caring about animals while they are on there way to work. I had 2 cars honk and pass me for being stopped. finally the 3rd car stopped and enjoyed the sights with me. Some people need to slow down to enjoy the simple things in life.
On a side note: The kids did wonderful at the dentist. No problems at all with their teeth.
Awesome! We have a ton of deer in our neighborhood and the boys are so excited each time we see them. The deer are pretty used to people so we pass them on walks and they just watch you walk right by. I still love seeing them each time also!