Today I had to take Amelia with me to a Doctor's appointment. And she was wearing my sunglasses. She is such a girl and just so cute.She is so girly. She is picky about her clothes, likes pink and purple, loves purses, lipstick, dolls, shoes. And she looks up to her brother "Boo Boo" or "B" that is what she calls him. She can often be heard saying wait for me Boo Boo. On a side note I have a sore knee. I just woke up with it one morning. I knew it was not hurt. But, it is very swollen, red, and painful to touch. It was confirmed at the Doctor that I have a bad inflammation on the joint. Which I am having more tests done as it looks to be arthritis. Way to make me feel old!
I did not have Baron with me as he had VBS this week at his school. I was kind of nervous as he has not been away for me (except the gym) all summer. He has always loved school and just ran in and never even said by. Well this summer he has been way into Mom. It's a little overwhelming. He does not even want me to go to another room. He has many friends at VBS! But, he was saying he did not want to be away from me. After kind of a rough drop off. He had a great day. I got to pick up early and looked in on him. He was singing and dancing. And as we left he told the teacher he would be back tomorrow. On the way home he told me about how he got to go outside and play and make a picture of Joseph. he also told me about all his friends that were at school. So happy he had a great day
It's been so long since I've looked at the blog because I was out of town, etc. I love the little diva! Those are great pictures with you and with Grandma! Looks like you guys had a fun trip. I'm still hopeful that one of these days we'll figure out a way to get them all together!!