Baron had baseball again last night. It is going so well. He loves it and has such a great time. He got to bat twice and got hits both times. WOW! But, last night he played the pink team. ALL GIRLS!!!! Usually they put a girl or two on each team. But, this year the coach thought it would be fun to have a all girl team. Well nothing against girls...but it was a joke. They all had to hit off the tee. When it is not Tee ball. They were siting down in the field and walking the bases.Many of the girls said they were tired. Oh My. But, our boy team had a fun time beating up on the girl team.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Baron's Baseball -See something weird?
Baron had baseball again last night. It is going so well. He loves it and has such a great time. He got to bat twice and got hits both times. WOW! But, last night he played the pink team. ALL GIRLS!!!! Usually they put a girl or two on each team. But, this year the coach thought it would be fun to have a all girl team. Well nothing against girls...but it was a joke. They all had to hit off the tee. When it is not Tee ball. They were siting down in the field and walking the bases.Many of the girls said they were tired. Oh My. But, our boy team had a fun time beating up on the girl team.
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