We went to Chicago for 3 days last week. Excuse the mark on Baron's head he had rug burn. What a child. We tagged along with Nolan's business trip so I was on my own for most days and nights. We had a fun time. But, the weather was COLD. Coldest in 50 years. I had packed all the kids cute spring clothes. And each had one pair of pants ( they had to wear all 3 days) snd one jacket. Everyone else had winter hats, gloves, ect. It was in the 40's, rain, clouds, and 40 MPH wind. Poor Amelia could nto even walk in it. It did make it somewhat challenging for me to be out with the kids. Kids are so funny after all we did Baron said his favorite thing was riding the taxi. And Amelia's favorite thing was going to the Hello Kitty store. Our hotel was AMAZING. Perfect location, great staff, and we had 2 rooms which was nice with the kids. We spent one day at Navy Pier and the Children's Musuem. It was fun but very busy with field trips. Then we spend a day shopping where the kids picked out a few things at the Lego store, disney store, and Hello Kitty store. We wanted to go to Shedd but after talking to a few people realized we did not have time and the lines are 1-2 hours just to get in. Too much for my crazies. One night when Nolan got back to the hotel from a work things at 8:30 I went out for an our and met a friend. We have a friend that lived in downtown Chicago. It was very nice to see her. So we all ended up having a great time.
Monday, May 30, 2011
We went to Chicago for 3 days last week. Excuse the mark on Baron's head he had rug burn. What a child. We tagged along with Nolan's business trip so I was on my own for most days and nights. We had a fun time. But, the weather was COLD. Coldest in 50 years. I had packed all the kids cute spring clothes. And each had one pair of pants ( they had to wear all 3 days) snd one jacket. Everyone else had winter hats, gloves, ect. It was in the 40's, rain, clouds, and 40 MPH wind. Poor Amelia could nto even walk in it. It did make it somewhat challenging for me to be out with the kids. Kids are so funny after all we did Baron said his favorite thing was riding the taxi. And Amelia's favorite thing was going to the Hello Kitty store. Our hotel was AMAZING. Perfect location, great staff, and we had 2 rooms which was nice with the kids. We spent one day at Navy Pier and the Children's Musuem. It was fun but very busy with field trips. Then we spend a day shopping where the kids picked out a few things at the Lego store, disney store, and Hello Kitty store. We wanted to go to Shedd but after talking to a few people realized we did not have time and the lines are 1-2 hours just to get in. Too much for my crazies. One night when Nolan got back to the hotel from a work things at 8:30 I went out for an our and met a friend. We have a friend that lived in downtown Chicago. It was very nice to see her. So we all ended up having a great time.
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