Wednesday, August 22, 2012

First Day of School

Baron started kindergarten. He likes his teacher ( even though he says at bedtime that she makes him go to bed early). He wants to stay up and doesn't fill like he sees his Dad enough. He has a great start. Even got a note sent home that he is doing great.

The other day I knew he had PE class so I kept asking him about it. He kept saying he didn't do that. Ok. Then later he said "mom I had a class called gym". I had to explain they are the same. Haha

He likes the bus, lunch, recess. Doesn't like that he has to pretend sleep during rest time. ( close eyes). And he did not like that they had kickball at recess. But, he was told that was for older kids and he couldn't play.

Hoping for a great year! It's bittersweet for us.

Amelia started back up too. She is in Pre K ( starts k next year). I could not find the correct sign! She loves it and was glad to be back.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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