Monday, August 13, 2012

We made it to Traverse City

We spent the last few days at the farm. The weather was not great.... It was COLD. It did not stop Baron from lots of farm time. He loved making fires. I was pretty lazy! Amelia played inside a lot with Kaija. After a long stop at the outlet mall we made it to Traverse City. This place is so pretty it's awesome to come back every year. So much to see and do. Looks like a few things we have to change around as we can't do adding a 3rd kid. Oh well. We wanted to do this hike to lake Michigan from sleepy bear dunes. But, we came to the decision that it won't work with two 4 year olds.

We stop at our favorite Latin American restaurant. Yum! The kids love that they give you WikiStix's. Opa made glasses for Baron.


Amelia wanted her picture taken by this frog sign

I just noticed she has one legging up and the other down. It's the new fashion statement.

Famous ice cream place in town. We have been know to eat that for lunch somedays! Every year for 4 years they have got their pictures taken by this bear. I need to repost some of those pictures. Growing fast

Amelia loved this tree and wanted her picture by it. Isn't she lovely???

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