Saturday, October 31, 2009

October Running Totals

For the month of October I ran 128 miles. I actually, tapered one week for my half marathon and took the better part of the next week off. So I was surprised I got so many miles in. I have actually picked up the pace in the last week and am pretty excited about running now. I have only one race scheduled in November which is a Thanksgiving Day 10k. Should be a fun month.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Doing Less Stuff

Yep we are pretty deprived as we are not doing as much now. For a couple of reasons. First, I go to school 3 days a week (just for a few hours). Second the flu is really going around here ( even causing my school to close last week). We have not been sick yet. But, Mom has been nervous and really using hand sanitizer a lot!. We have no protection yet as we don't get our flu shots till next week. And who knows if we be able to get the H1N1 shot and the version Mom wants for us. As they are out everywhere around here and now kids are not even on the priority list ( unless there is other health conditions). Third, the weather has been bad most of October. We have only had a handful of nice days. This week is has rained since Monday ( all day long). It is crazy how much rain we have had!.

This week Mom ( after she worked out). She took us to the gym to play around with the volleyball and basketball. We actually think the volleyball is a soccer ball. We have races, kick the ball, dribble the ball, and shot the ball. What a great way for us to get energy off. Then today Becky and Andy were in town and we went to lunch with them and their boys. Then they came over to our house to play. Andy even put us up on the top bunk of my bed. This was so much fun.

Hard to Believe

Yep it is hard to believe that the kiddos turned 3 and 18 months this week. It is a ton of work and keeps Mom very busy. But, it is so fun to watch us play and interact together. This video is taken before school I was acting goofy with my birthday ballons to make my sister laugh. I also say funny things all the time. Yesterday on the way to school I told my sister don't worry when you get big you can go to school! Never a dull day in the Brunnworth Household.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Race Photos

My race photos from the Kansas City Half Marathon our now online.

Fall Festival @School

Yesterday we had a fall festival at my school. Amelia and I got to wear our Halloween outfits. There was a petting zoo, horse rides, games, inflatable, and trick and treating. But, I was looking forward to showing Oma and Opa my classroom. But, that did not workout. As with the H1N1 concerns they had all the classrooms cleaned and did nto want to bring new germs in. Oh well better safe then sorry.


Ok we lied. We found a video with my new bike in it.


Mom just realized she did not get a picture with my bike. Oh well I am sure she will get some later

Birthday Party

I had a great cake for my birthday. Too bad my atitude went downhill after I sucked down tons of sugar!! Oh well it is once a year. I loved all my presents and I knew actaully how to blow out all my candles.

More Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch

Yes Mom dressed Amelia up in a pumpkin outfit. And the rules in our family is that we can have any pumpkin which we can pick up. My weighed in at almost 17 lbs! Boy I am strong. We had fun afternoon. It was kind of cold. My sister rode the horse ( I did not want too).

Baron's B-day weekend

This is going to take awhile to get all the updates. Mom has over 100 pics to go through. My B-day is on Wednesday. But, Oma and Opa came in on Thursday night to help celebrate. We had such a good time and tons of fun. We went to the Childrens Museum, pumpkin patch, a fall festival at my school, had a party. I had a awesome b-day cake ( just what I have been asking for), got some great new gifts. My favoites are the legos, the cars my Aunt Kristin and Uncle Jason got me, the go cart from Oma and Opa, and the bike from Mom and Dad.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Amelia really likes to wear her winter hat. Even puts it on herself. She loved to go lay down on some blankets ( that had nto been put up yet). And her and Baron cutting paper. One of Baron's new favorite things.

Trip Down Memory Lane......

After the race on Saturday. Keri and I went to Lawrence where Nolan and I used to live ( and my parents). I had a great time dining and a local favorite, looking at our old house, old apartment , and my parents old house. They are all pretty much looked the same. But, there is tons of new stuff in town. So many good memories. Some of my best memories is when Nolan and I were first married and we moved into our apartment. We thought it was so nice and we were like this is going to be hard our rent was 675.00. We saved our money for a few years so we could put money down on our first house. We used to take lots of walks and eat lot of chicken box dinners. Gross! But, life was nice when it was so simple. We even used to get to come home and eat lunch together most days. Then we moved to our first house. we bulit a fence and got Semo. We had many fun days playing wiffle ball in the backyard. We had a nice yard for that. There is sidewalks everywhere around town. so we would walk to lots of places and it was agreat town for running.

I forgot to add in the last post. Nolan and the kids had a great weekend. he took them on a long hike. Played a lot and even made sure I came home to a clean house.

Mom's trip / Race

Last weekend Mom went on a little trip for 48 hours. She went to Kansas City to see her friend Keri and run a half marathon with her. She had a great time. The race was cold 40 degrees and Mom and Keri pretty much missed the start of the race so had to start WAY in the back. The course was VERY challenging. Mom had not really trained for the hills- but loved them. Her time was 2:06 about 9 mins slower then her fastest time this year. She did not walk the race at all ( even with all the hills- she actually passed people) But, Mom was really happy with her time considering everything. Keri ran awesome and had a PR with a time of 1:56. Keri and Ken made her stay so nice. They had thought of everything. Had extra GU's, a cliff bar for breakfest, and the most cozy bed to sleep in. The best part was after the race we got to stop at Starbucks. Mom had also bought a new running outfit and it was a big hit. we did not get any pictures during the race. But, they had pros taking them which I should have the link for later. All we got was one after the race.

It is kind funny but we think Mom is kind of a running snob. Mom complained that since they paid 60.00 for the entry fee and it was fall race. They should of received a long sleeve shirt and was applled the shirt was not a technical shirt. Also, disappointed that the race started at 7am since it is dark at 7am. Mom also thought it was weird that at the water stops they had Gatorade before water- it is usually reversed. Mom also had a IPOD issue. It is working fine now. But, she thinks to much sweat got on it and the volume would not turn up or down. So by the end of the race it was as loud as it goes. She is sure other people could hear her music and it was almost hurting her ears. But, she did not want to mess with it or turn it off.

On another note Keri has the best friends! She has 2 friends that came and watched the race in the freezing rain. Then after the race they gave us there coats ( even though we were very sweaty). Wasn't that nice.

A side note on Keri's animal pants. Those are not running pants. When she was trying to pick out what to wear the night before she found those from Express from when she was in High School. And thought they would be funny to wear. They did get some looks!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sick Days

Ok. Mom won't get into the details but Amelia had the stomach bug first for 3 days. And now I do. It has been great since Dad was out of town. Mom did so much cleaning and did 12 loads of laundry in 2 days!. On the good side we never got sick on the carpet ( so it was pretty easy to clean). Now Mom is ready for some sleep! But, today I just got to lounge with Daddy. I have not even got dressed. Daddy even made me a neat place to lay on the floor and we have been planning indoor games. I also learned to throw up in a trash can. I think I will be better by tomorrow. Mom called and talked to the Dr and it turns out we just have a stomach bug. NO FLU

Helping Mom make cookies

Yesterday I helped Mom make cookies. It was a new receipe from Dierbergs. We wanted to make them for Daddy for when he got home ( he was out of town for work). I did real good. I helped measure everything, stired and, put them on the cookie sheet.

More B-day Part Fun